ORD 38101 Metro OBGYN TIF AgreementCity of Omaha Mike Fahey, Mayor :,-_-,,· '. .. -1 \ j ~---\ ' -' \ -. \_) ~--' ' [' : -1 :. Honorable President April 22, 2008 Planning Department ()maha/Oouglas Civic Center 1819 Farnam Street, Suite 1100 ()maha, Nebraska 68183 (402) 444-5150 Telefax (402) 444-6140 Steven N. Jensen, AICP Director and Members of the City Council, The attached Ordinance transmits a Redevelopment Agreement between the City of Omaha and S & R Develofment, LLC for the Metro OBGYN South Omaha Medical Campus located at 3213 South 24' Street, Omaha NE. The project provides for the development of the Metro OBGYN proposal to have a state of the art expanded Family Practice Medical Clinic facility with doctors, surgeons, an imaging center, an Ophthalmologist with an optic shop and a dentist for assembling a complete multilingual specialty medical destination in South Omaha that will become a magnet for patients of all heritages and ethnic backgrounds. The Ordinance implements the project plan approved by the Planning Board and City Council. The Agreement authorizes the use of Tax Increment Financing (TIF) as a tool to assist in financing the total project cost of $2, 187,950.00. The TIF eligible expenses associated with the project are estimated at approximately $1,938,550.00. The developer has requested the maximum available sum up to $487,500.00 in TIF that will be repaid from the increase in taxes generated as a result of project completion. The project is in compliance with Nebraska Community Development law and appropriate City of Omaha Ordinances. Your favorable consideration of this Ordinance is requested. Sincerely, Referred to City Council for Consideration: -----'"'------r'------'--+-~~~q~·~''~·o~a tlf!eti; ~-1 ~-dr PLNLSF I 088-cover letter Date Mayor's Office Date I/ I <1-t.,& Date ORDINANCENO. (3f/{)/ AN ORDINANCE to approve the Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Redevelopment Loan Agreement between the City of Omaha and S & R Development, LLC, a Nebraska Limited Liability Company for the development of the Metro OBGYN South Omaha Medical Campus located at 3213 S. 24th Street, which includes tax increment financing of $487,500; and providing for an effective date. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OMAHA: Section I. The Mayor is hereby authorized to execute, and the City Clerk to attest, the attached Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Redevelopment Loan Agreement with S & R Development, LLC, 13404 Bedford Avenue, Omaha NE 68164 to implement the approved S & R Development, LLC/Metro OBGYN Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment Project for Metro OBGYN South Omaha Medical Campus that is located at 3213 South 241h Street, Omaha NE and other facilities as may be required including any other documents in connection with the Redevelopment Agreement necessary or appropriate to consummate the loan. Section 2. Said Redevelopment Agreement contains obligations undertaken pursuant to the Nebraska Community Development Law and Sections 18-2147 through 18-2150; and are not otherwise obligations of the City of Omaha. ORDINANCE NO. _.,...Q.,,_'l~J0"--1---J­ Page 2 Section 3. That this Ordinance, not being legislative in character, shall take effect upon the date of its passage in accord with Section 2.12 of the Omaha Municipal Code. INTRODUCED BY COUNCILMEMBER APPROVED BY: PASSED MAY 1 3 -·7 -o ATTEST: ___(,~ -/~ ~.5-oY DEPUTYCITYCLERKOFTHECITYOF OMAHA DATE APPROVED AS TO FORM: A::::~2Y+1 D'i ~+-CITY ATTORNEY ATE PLNLSF 1088-ordinance REDEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is entered into by and between the City of Omaha, a Nebraska Municipal Corporation in Douglas County, Nebraska, and S & R Development, LLC, a Nebraska Liability Company for the development of a (1) state of the art expanded Family Practice Medical Clinic facility with doctors, surgeons, an imaging center; (2) an Ophthalmologist with an optic shop; and, (3) dentist, for assembling a complete multilingual specialty medical destination in South Omaha that will become a magnet for patients of all heritages and ethnic backgrounds. RECITALS: WHEREAS, on June 26, 2007 the City Council of the City of Omaha approved the S & R Development, LLC/ Metro OBGYN Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment Project Plan. WHEREAS, S & R Development, LLC/Metro OBGYN intends to· develop the Metro OBGYN proposal which shall include a(!) state of the art expanded Family Practice Medical Clinic facility with doctors, surgeons, an imaging center; (2), an Ophthalmologist with an optic shop: and, (3) dentist; and, WHEREAS, the Metro OBGYN proposal provides for the assembly of a complete multilingual specialty medical destination in South Omaha that will become a magnet for patients of all heritages and ethnic backgrounds; and, WHEREAS, this Agreement between the parties is prepared pursuant to the Nebraska Community Development Law in order to implement the above-referenced Redevelopment Plan and provides for the use of the excess ad valorem taxes generated by such development. IN CONSIDERATION OF THESE MUTUAL COVENANTS THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. I I ., ' 1 I' . ..,, I II 'I "' ' (\'·''\'·' 'I ' ' . ..)\1_'c,JC\'C C1pln'.::1t j\'1.J-.... '.,'.[ s l'..1 i1"1;_':\.l ( ]\.~ ]\'1,~'tl'l) ,[)j•,) . J\: r:"\)i'·\·J.:;'.11 d L:i_'\'\.'1np ~i :·:l~i~·-·'. o!' th 1 ~· :1rl L'\'.;J:111l'.c.l l·\11r.ily J>i'::,:li1__·c f/l-~·1.!ic:·iJ C:li11ic i'<11:i!i1y \\'ilh dor!nr:i. ::t:i'~~.1.\)iiS_ ,,11 i1~1:1.~1.i:·1g L'·.';:1_ . .-1·. <dt ()pht!i:-1l1noll:j.i:-:t 1v!!h :\n op\ it: ~;hop ;tnd n d 1 ~·11li~:t . '. ' 1'1'· I 'I I' I' ' ' ''"]' IC!' ~i·:.;:~1:'illl"liP:~~ :t Cl"·\:1.(ll·~'['~ J\"\;J,l_ii111~!-'1\'.ll :;[;'-.'1.'.!~L\)' L\i..:( \!.·~·, r_· .•. '\.1,1n~;l\Oll <.•_, _1_: .1 :)ot1!i1 './.-l1J1 ~~\rec-t tL~ll \\'i!] hCC\)l!1l' :1 111'.i)-:ll:~·[ !'ur 1"1~1tic·n1~; l1J' ;t~l hcrit:\_0•~·s :·~1:_,J ''l(c.J-~vclopn1ent ~:it-:::'· :·;[1'._ili n~cc!11 th~ ~1r·.--~1 lcg1lly d('_;;crihcd on l·'.xhil1it ;:1r-·._ ::-1tt~1(_'hcd ],: __ -·1\''.(1 . . 6 -"J<cc\(~\'elopn1enl t~oU? ('1'1F Funcls/'!'fF !)rocced:;)'' shn!I lil~~·.1:1 i1ny CJbli[!<ltion isstu: .. J li) .. the ('.i!y :·11:d s(~curc•.I by t:1 .. : exce.~s D:-1 ~:.~1.l~!X~JJ~ inx1.~:-; genr:-rCltcd \vitl!in 111:.: l;c:C:._:'/C'\,.1:1rncnt Sil'~'. I.'/ "l'xcess .2cl v;rlory!l} t<ixes" shcill mean ihe <Jclcli1ion1I rc:1I cstn!c propr.rly 1:1xes ~J,1."nr:·r0!ed b:' li1i:; 1Zeclevelopn1ent Project purslltllll to ~:ection ! 8-2117 o!' the ><\·hra~;kn l\evised St81u!c>.-:. ';!~(:TTON 7. ODL!CJ/;T!Ot!S OfTHECITY :1. I I ·::.:'Xt1 le ;in<! cit I iver !o : : 1c I lcvelopct' nl closing 1 he Redevelopment Note ill :;11bstantially the same torm as the copy attached hereto cs Exhihit "C". ') (Trant !Zecievelop1nent r,oeln proceeds to the f)eveloper up to 1he s11n1 of ·f:487.500.0() to cover eligible acquisition, demolition, site preparntion, public imnrovements and rehabilitation cosls. 2.~i Pay deht retirement principal m1d interest from the Excess Arl Valorem Taxes (TIF tax proceeds). Jnterest on monies in the special fund shall accrue first to debt retirement interest and then to principa I. ' .? ' )Ji.\ t)~.:vclnp1.:l' ~:1~111 1-:t\1vic'.1_· 11:-.:-l)irc1.:lo:· \\'ith c\·idl.'llC\.\ ~icccplnhlc to 111 1 .:: ,-. ' 'I • • 1 I 1 • -1 l . • I I '1 ' 1 l ' l)!l\?._'[i_Ji', ll\:tl l!lC' [':fl\''.i\\,:'. jun::-; li'.1\'C l~l'l'l1 !ITl.'\'li·~·:101~ l'Ollllll!t \.\. l,_) l•. !".cLk .. ··.'L"lop1n::.·11~ Fl\)j,~·c·l i:\ t:1,,,: ci:1H1u1t1. :;u!J1c11_'nl [,-i '~·~1;npL.:1 ... : tih .. ~ l°\._"1_: c..:·\'V l t) p 1·11c·1 i L p rn_j ,:,: ~ . . /.'~-.-). ])evc\op::'.r ::::~:-dl provicL: evidence oi', [!rid lllttintnin ,1d 1_.,L-]llC1te perf(.1rn1nncc c·1:1rJ i:1bnr rn:1 1~e1·i<1L; l·;onr:;s (_lurin:_! the pr~·rincl n!' cnn;:;1.ruc.tiun ol' thc pro_icct. ·:Le C'itv sh:11l L~ ~~pecitied C!_,-; :1 co-ob!igc1..·. c·'··' 1·· I l' ' . 1 ,. 1 1 " . '" ~ ""' 1. ' 'I [ ' " . I St I I ' .-·.stCI) 1:111 C1 sp~c1:1 1ur:c unc :.:-r ><'Z'~!·Jli l u··-~ J ·i I 0 1:1c ! \e 1n.1SK:J h.l?V!SCC I ·all 't'S !'er ll1r__; [llll"j!Cl:·:C ui' C\i]li_~cting 1!-1·~ 1~':'\C\.'~i~~ !i'.) -~'--~tl.0J~t'-_!_~l (J:-\1 :~-; tC'll'~°>:i'(l\"ed by ih:: !Zccle·vi::.lop1T1e-nt Project. :\/lonies col:cct-r:'.\.1 ~:nd h1;.ld i11 tllL~ spc 1:i~il !'und sh~i!1 L:-_~ c.:-;::J j~i:· i,O puq~O:--;< o'.hcr th~1n il1 t\:-pd)" []11? ]·Z·...'.zl,~·Vl.'lOjllllC'l"il J .(l'.:ll. The Developer shall: 3.1 complete the l~edevelopment l'rojecl on or before December J l, 7008, creating an inr:i'c1~~c i11 re·1l property t·1xnL!e l):lS'~ by rens:Jn of s 1Jch construction of nt least :; l ,S'iO_ \ L_/'~.l:d. ,~·m1se all re:1l estate t:ixes and ass<"ssments levied on the Redevelopment l'roject to be paid prior to the time s11ch become delinquent, except as provided in Section :; _ _s, be]O'.\". :1.,, lom1 redevelopment funds to the City in the principal amotmt of $487,500.00 as set forth in Section 2. l, which, when combined with other private l'unds available, will be sufficient lo constrnct ihe l~C'rleveloprnent l'rnjecl. l·:xerntion and c\elivery or· tl'e F.edeveloprnent l'ro111issory Note skt!l be at closine-which shall be as soon :,s J'cc:1son1hiy possible :tih:r ex•x11!;011 of thi<: i.\g,-eemcr.l but not more than ()0 clays 1!ierenlicr. Al closing, the loan to he c:crnrnplishec! by this Section nnd the nhlig81ion of the Citv to use the reclevc!oprnent lnnn prnceecls for redevelopment purposes under Section ? .. 2 may be nccornplishecl by ol'i:sel so that the Developer retains the lo:in proceeds. 1 l'the City so requests, the developer shall, l'rom time to time, h1rnish the City with satisfoctory evidence as to the use and application of the redevelopment loan proce<"ck 3. :~. ! 3 .~\.~l 3.3.3 Such loan funds shall he dishnrsed as provided in Section~'.. ~)11ch lo:in shall beman interest rate not to exceed 5.2.5% per annum. The principal shall be repaid by the City from the special fond established pursuant to Section 2.5, as excess ad valorem taxes, pursuant to the Redevelopment Pinn and Section 18-2147 of the Nebraska Revised 0 -~ - Statutes, become available to the City for such use. To the extent of such excess ad valorem taxes are unavailable to the City, the loan shall be forgiven and the obligations of the Developer shall remain unaffected. 3.4 shall provide the City with quarterly progress reports during the redevelopment and allow the City reasonable access to any relevant financial records pertaining to the Redevelopment Project. 3.5 during the period that the Redevelopment Note (TIF Funds) is outstanding, (I) not protest a real estate improvement valuation on the Redevelopment Site of $1,830,192.00 inclusive of the base valuation of $274,600.00 for a total value of $1,830, 192.00 after substantial completion or occupancy of the medical facility; (2) not convey the Redevelopment Site or structures thereon to any entity which would be exempt from the payment of real estate taxes or cause the nonpayment of such real estate taxes; (3) not apply to the Douglas County Assessor for the structures, or any portion thereof, to be taxed separately from the underlying land of the Redevelopment Site; (4) maintain insurance for ninety percent (90%) of the full value of the structures on the Redevelopment Site; (5) in the event of casualty, apply such insurance proceeds to their reconstruction; and (6) cause all real estate taxes and assessments levied on the Redevelopment Site to be paid prior to the time such become delinquent. In lieu of the above, the Developer may surrender any remaining amount outstanding of the Redevelopment Promissory Note to City. Each of the foregoing covenants shall be referenced in a Notice of Redevelopment Agreement to be recorded with the Douglas County, Nebraska Register of Deeds. The developer agrees to include the same restrictions to be included in any subsequent sale, assignment, sale-leaseback or other transfer of the property, but shall not be responsible otherwise for the actions of the third parties if such third parties breach these covenants if the Developer no longer owns the property. 3 .6 shall provide the City of Omaha Finance Department with an executed copy of the Redevelopment Promissory Note prior to disbursement of any proceeds for repayment of such Note pursuant to Section 2.5, so that such payment can be noted on the Note and the Note returned to Developer. SECTION 4. PROVISIONS OF THE CONTRACT 4.1 Equal Employment Opportunity Clause. Annexed hereto as "D" and made a part hereof by reference are the equal employment provisions of this contract, wherein the "Developer" is referred to as "Contractor". 4.2 Non-discrimination. The Developer shall not, in the performance of this Contract, discriminate or permit discrimination in violation of federal or state laws or local ordinances because of race, color, sex, age, political or religious opinions, affiliations or national origin. - 4 - 4.3 Captions. Captions used in this Contract are for convenience and are not used in the construction of this Contract. 4.4 Applicable Law. Parties to this Contract shall conform to all existing and applicable city ordinances, resolutions, state laws, federal laws, and all existing and applicable rules and regulations. Nebraska law will govern the terms and the performance under this Contract. 4.5 Interest to the City. Pursuant to Section 8.05 of the Home Rule Charter, no elected official or any officer or employee of the City of Omaha shall have a financial interest, direct or indirect, in any City of Omaha contract. Any violation of this section with the knowledge of the person or corporation contracting with the City of Omaha shall render the contract avoidable by the Mayor or Council. 4.6 Merger. This Contract shall not be merged into any other oral or written contract, lease or deed of any type. 4.7 Modification. This Contract contains the entire agreement of the parties. No representations were made or relied upon by either party other than those that are expressly set forth herein. No agent, employee or other representative of either party is empowered to alter any of the terms herein unless done in writing and signed by an authorized officer of the respective parties. 4.8 Assignment. The Developer may not assign its rights under this contract without the express prior written consent of the City; such consent not to be unreasonably withheld. The Mayor may, without City Council approval, approve, in writing, the assignment of all rights hereunder to a successor entity owned by, or under common control with Developer. 4. 9 Strict Compliance. All provisions of this Contract and each and every document that shall be attached shall be strictly complied with as written, and no substitution or change shall be made except upon written direction from authorized representatives of the parties. 4.10 This Agreement shall be binding upon the Developer's successors and assigns, and shall run with the land described in Exhibit "B'', attached hereto, to the benefit of the City of Omaha. SECTION 5. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE In further consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, the parties hereto expressly agree that for the purposes of notice, including legal service of process, during the term - 5 - of this Contract and for the period of any applicable statute of limitations thereafter, the following named individuals shall be the authorized representatives of the parties: (1) City of Omaha: Steven N. Jensen, AICP, LA Director City Planning Department Omaha/Douglas Civic Center 1819 Farnam Street Omaha. NE 68183 (2) Developer: S & R Development, LLC a Nebraska Limited Liability Company 13404 Bedford Avenue, Omaha NE 68164 Legal Service clo City Clerk Omaha/Douglas Civic Center 1819 Farnam Street Omaha, NE 68183 Either party may designate additional representatives or substitute representatives by giving written notice thereof to the designated representative of the other party. Executed this _LAay of 71f;.y , 2008. ATTEST: clmafa ~ a-/o-os DEPUTY'ITY CLERK OFTH CITY OF OMAHA Executed this _jL__ day of !ft;r," / , 2008. -6 - CITY OF OMAHA: By: Dr. Jorge Sotolongo, Member S & R Development, LLC, a Nebraska Limited Liability Company ST ATE OF NEBRASKA ) )§ COUNTY OF DOUGLAS ) Dr. Jorge Sotolongo, Member, S & R Development, LLC, by and for S & R Development, LLC, a Nebraska Limited Liability Company on behalf of S & R Development, LLC, a Nebraska Limited Liability Company, acknowledged the foregoing Redevelopment Agreement before me this _LL day of /1 ~ '2008. PLNLSFI 088 - 7 - GENERAL NOT ARY • State of Nebraska 'II, SUSAN JOY LOEWE My Comm. Exp. Sept 1, 2010 ~ ~ 8 ' ! I ~-!j ! 8 I ---8 ~ ri"' ~I~ . ' . , ii I' ·+ l ' -~ 1 " I I • • ,__ 7-!- -y-• I ! i ;; i\ ,, ~ :~ }---'---~ ,..., Metro OBGYN 24m and Vmton Omaha, Nebraska l . b: F~ tF:1l oJ~ ·11~ i!!d ! 1!1'· rn rn l!li 0-i -< :u Jil~ zO~ ib-o '---. I [ill· ~kl ~· 1 . . ii !] I Metro OBGYN 24th and Vinton OmaM, Nebraska ~1111 .. .., ... -~., .... .,., . .,.,.,.,.,.,,., .. ~~,..__ --'" --_::---:::--.,_ - : : : ~ i<o• ~~·--~~·"""i ··ao[9Gb"-*'0' :11~ 0 • <-• ~~ o~-~ r~ ~, ~ ' " Vo M T 0 < > ' • E [ T ~l ~~ ! TAX INCREMENT FINANCING BOUNDARY METRO OBGYN S &: R D£VELOPMENTS L_L_C c I .! ::, r ! le y, I ' ' I ~ ~ ! ' rj ' I ' ~ ' ' ' 0 I ' I • 1-- L __ °"'""' "'-JJP O'.) ~ \.-CJ SURVEYOR'S CE:R.rIFICATION I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT A BOUNDARY SURVEY WAS MADE UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION fOR THE SUBDIVISION DESCRIBED HEREIN ANO n1Ai PERM/\N[NT ~,o.,RKERS HWE BEt.N FOUND OR SEl AT ALL CORNERS OF SAID BOUNDARY AND AT ALL LOT CORNERS WITHIN SAID SUBDIVISION TO BE KNOWN "5 LOTS 1 THRU 5, INCLU$1VL -0 ,.; SOUTh OIAAHA MlDICAL CAMPUS, BEING A PL/I.DING QI' PART or TAX LOTS 25. 26 AND 27 IN THE SW\/4 or THE NWl/4 OF SECTION .34. T15N. R13E or THE ,,j-6TH p !.!., DOUGLAS cou .... TY, N<:flRASK.A. ALL MORE PART>CULARLY DESCRIBED A$ rouows, C0Mt.1ENC•NG AT THE r<w CORNER OF SAID TAX LOl 25, a:'. THENCE SOUTH (ASSUMED SEARING) JJ 00 FEET ON T>1E WEST LINE OF SAID TAX LOT 25, :i ~ ~ THENCE 58':1'58'07"'( 93 32 FEET ON A LIN[ 33 00 FEET SOUTH Of AND P.o.RALLEL WITH TH( NORTH LINE OF SAID TAX LOT 25 AND ON THE SOUTH UN[ OF VINTON -°" -., 1 STREET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, SAID POIN1 BEING ON THE EAST LINE OF T'iE WEST 93 00 FtET OF SAID TAX LOT 25: Ii; THENCE CONTINUING S89.58'07"E 206 93 FECT ON A LINE 33.00 FEET SOUTH Of ANO PARALLEL WITH THE NORTH LINE OF SAID TAX LOT 25 ilNQ ON TH[ SOUTH z ~ L!NE OF VINTON STREET TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID TAX LOT 25: ';:l w ~ v; THENCE S00'07'09'\\r 259 47 FEE"T ON THE EAST LIN[ OF SAID TAX LOTS 25 ANO 26 TO Tl1E S[ CORNER OF SAAD TAX LOT 26: [;l ~ ~ ~ J: ! THENCE S89'51'42"W 9000 FHT ON THE SOUTH LIN[ OF SAID TAX LOT 26, THENCE S00'07'09"W l 12 20 FEET ON A LINE 90 00 FEET WEST OF ANO PARALLEL WITH THE EAST LINE OF SAID TAX LOTS 27 TO A PO•NT 33.00 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTH l~N[ OF SAID TAX LOT 27, SAID POINT BEING ON THE NORTH UN[ Of DEER PARK BOUL[VARO: ~ .. _ _. __ ---·51'42'W 176.48 FED" ON A LINE 3300 FEET NORTH OF ANO PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTH LIN[ or SAID TAX LOT 27 TO I~ :g SOUTH OMAHA MEDICAL CAMPUS A POINT ]3.00 FEET EAST OF THE WESf LINE OF SAAD TAX LOT 27. SAID POINT 8EING ON THE [AST LINE or 24TH STREET. THENCE NORTH 260.26 FEET ON A LINE 3J 00 FEET EAST OF ANO PARALLEL WITH THE WEST UNES OF SAID TAX LOTS 25 ANO 77 AND ON THE (AST LINE OF 24TH STREET TO lHE SOUTH LINE OF SAID TAX LOT 25 ,,,~··­,; .., . ...,... -... ~ '"' ..: LOTS 1 THRU 6, INCLVSIVE ,~ BEING A PlATilNG OF PART OF TAX LOTS 25, 26 ANO 27 IN THE SW1/4 OF THE t-IW1/4 OF / ! SECTION 34, T15N. R13E Of THE 6TH P.1.1., DOUGLAS COUNlY, NEBRASKA.. ~· ml CORNER OF TA.X LOT 25 NE CORNt:J\ or TAX I nT 75 'L (COMMENCING POlt-rr} 7 : VINTON STREET i ~b --------(60-coorwio[Ric>IT-or-wAY) ___ T_ -1-~--' 510 ol o· 20· <:o' 0'~ :::; SCAL[ IN F[[T ln~sa9·se·o1·E 93.32' seg-se'o7"E 206.93' ,..., ' ---!-~--~-40.08 Jb. 50.00 '90. 116.65' • ---1 I O °? °? . .J'-POINT or,' BEGINNING • Y,;_ q,, ~ . ..r I ~~· .• ··r--! =o . 0 PART OF W ;:j ~ 2 & TAX ~CT 25 • ::: l N 2 N " ~ 4.497 ;:: S,610 1 8 SO FT SO FT I I 0 i ~ sa9·ss·o1"E 60.19' . .; " 4J> '40.0B' ... 1!'.>0.27' .J-.Po. ":>'\ o~. " 50.00' ~. >-----------SUBLCT TAX LOT 74 it~-- -J3 oo· -;,_ o,_ l' l': SUBL01 2 T,\X LOT 24 rl>-w ! 3i w i J. ~'~ "' I ,, '~ lw 'D ' 3' ~Ir :.e NI :g 1~ ' ., 0 ~ "'k··' N '>' g 'b4 N tlb ~ g ·"<} _.,, 3 39,173 SO FT 266.82' 4 1J,J38 SQ r 'b. ,,_ ,,_ t-... -------0 b 0 ~ SU BLOT TAX LOT 24 SUBLOT 4 TAX OT 24 . l-----~-------8 "'o. g -:,_ SUBl.OT 5 TAX LO' 2" 'bq, 266.71' ,,_ ll ol 100.00· '.\. 76.71' .~ sa9"s1·•2"'W 90.00· I ":>.:.'" .;.-r I SU61 OT 6 TAX LOT 2~ 5 11,220 SQ n •• I •• E I 1--• .... sus1_0T b I 6 2 ~ TAX LOl 24 ~ _8,594 ~ ~ SU8LOT 3 11 oQ F' -~ 'T COT r :-----------~ • .p 0 I SU8LOT 8 .1< ,,;.-0._,. ln , lAX LOT 24 ":>... <:!... ~. I 'b4 100.00· 'bd, 76.48' ~>. - - _ J _ --· . --{-S89"51'42"'W 176.-48' SW CORNER OF ·g L·_T~x_:1_ ~~-_ D_E ~~---~_:'~~.__)__ 8 0 ~.!:_EVA RD ( 1 OB FOOT WIDE RIGHT-Of-WAY ) , SE CORNER OF __ 1,C~~x~T 27 THENCE ssg·ss'Qr[ 50 t9 >EET 0" THE SOUTH Ll"'E or SAID TAX LOT 25 TO THE EAST LINE OF Tr'[ WEST 93 00 FEET OF SAID TAX LOT 25, THENCE NOO'OJ'59'.E 112 20 FEET ON TH[ EAST LIN[ Of THE WEST gJ 00 FEET or SAID TAX LOT 25 TO THE POINT or BEGINNING MARCl-1 17, 2007 DATE DEDJCATION ' ' ' ' ~ u.---~ " ·_< ' ~ ,_~ ................ -.:o D. .. ~·-· ... ,,,,,,,,, JAMES Q_ WARNER. NEBRASKA RLS 308 KNOW All. MEN BY THESE PRESENTS; THAT WE, S & R DEVELOPMENT, L.L.C., A NEBRASKA LIMITED LIA81LIT'Y COMPAN"Y ANO SOUTH OMAHA ENTERPRISES LL C A NEBRASKA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, BEING THE OWNERS OF THE LANO Q[SCRl8£D WITHIN TH[ SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE ANO EMBRACED WITHIN THIS PLAT. HAVE CAUSED SAID LANO TO BE SUBDIVIDED INTO LOTS TO BE NUMBERED AS SHOWN. SAID SUBDIVISION TO BE HEREAFTER KNOWN AS SOUTH OMAHA MEDICAL CAMPUS. AND WE DO HER[BY RATIFY ANO APPROVE OF THE DISPOSITION or OUR PROPERTY "5 SHOWN ON THIS PLAT AND WE HEREBY GRANT A PERP[TUAL EASEMENT TO THE OMAHA PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT. QWEST CORPORATION ANO ANY COMPANY WHICH HAS BEEN GRANTED A FRANCHISE TO PROVIDE A CABLE lEL[VISION SYSTEM IN THE AREA TO BE 5UBOIVIDEO. THEIR SUCCESSORS .&.ND ASSIGNS, To ERECT, OPERATE. MAINTAIN, REPAIR, ANO R£N[W POLES, WIRES, CROSSARM$, DOWN GUYS AND ANCHORS, CABLES, CONDUITS ANO OTHER RELo..T[D FACILITIES ANO TO EXTEND THEREON WIRES OR CABLES FOR Tl1E CARRYING ANO TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRIC CURRENT FOR LIGHT, HEAT, A.ND POWER FOR THE TRANSMISSION OF SIGNALS ANO SOUNDS Of ALL KINDS ANO Tl'E RECEPTION THEREOF, INCLUDING SIGNALS PROYIOEO Bi' A CABLE TELEVISION SYSTEM ANO THEIR RECEPTION, ON, OYER, THROUGH, UNDER ANO ACROSS A FIVE (5') FOOT WIDE STRIP OF LANO AtlUnlNC A.LL FRONT ANO SIDE BOUNDARY LOT LINES ANO AN [IGHT (8') FOOT WIDE STRIP OF LANO ABUTitNG THE RU.R BOUNDARY LINES NO PERMAN[Nl BUILDINGS, TREES. RETAINING WALLS OR LOOSE ROCK WALLS SHALL BE PLACED IN SA.10 EASEMENT WAYS. 8lJT THE SAME MAY 8[ USED FOR GARDENS, SHRUBS. LANDSCAPING, SIDEWALKS. DRIVEWAYS ANO OTHER PURPOSES THAT 00 NOT THEN OR LATER INTERFERE WITH TH[ AFORESAID USES OR RIGHTS HEREIN GRANTED. WHERE OCCUPl[O 8Y AN EXISTING BUILDING OR OTHER PERMANENT FACILITY. THE EASEMENTS GRANTED IN THIS DEDICATION SKALL BE REDUCED TO THE DISTANCE BETWEEN THE EXISTING 8UILOING OR FACILITY ANO TI--IE PROPERTY UN[ S a: R DEVELOPMENT LLC., SOUTH Ow.HA. om:RPRISC> LLC., A NEBRASKA LIMITED UABILil'Y COMPANY A NEBRASKA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY "' " OR JORGE F SOTOLONGO, PRESIDENT DR JORGE F SOTOLONGO. PR[SIO[NT -".CKNOWLEDGEMENT OF NOT ARY 26AJ~~FOFN~O~~~) )• s THE FOREGOING DEDICATION WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS __ OA'Y OF APRIL. 2007 BY JORGE F SOTOLONGO. PRESIDENT or s & R Q[VELOPM(NT LL c. AND SOUTH OMAHA ENTERPRISES l l-C' NEBRASKA LIABILITY COMPANIES. ON BEHALF OF SAID COMPANIES COUNTY TREASURER'S CERTIFICATE NOTARY PUBLIC TrllS IS TO CERTIFY THAT I FINO NO REGULAR OR SPECIAL TAXES. DUE OR DELINQUENT, AGAINST THE PROPfRTY DESCRIBED IN THE SIJRVE'YOR'S CERTIFICATE AND EMSRACEO WITHIN THIS PlAT, AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDS OF THIS OFFICE. THIS ____ DAY or 2007 DEPUTY DOUGLAS COUNTY T'lEASURER APPROVAL OF CITY ENGD<'EER 1 "IEREBY APPROVE THIS PLAT OF SOUTH OMAHA MEDICAL CAMPUS ON THIS----DAY OF-----2007 CITY ENGINEER I HEREBY CERnFY THAT ADEQUATE PROVISIONS 1--IA.V[ BEEN MADE FOR COMPLIANCE WITH CHAPTER 53 OF THE OMAHA MUNICIPAL COO[ OATE CITY ENGINEER APPROVAL OF Ol\1AHA CITY PLANNING BOARD THIS PlAT OF SOUTH mJAHA MEDICAL CAMPUS WAS APPROVED SY THE QMAH,1. CfTY PLANNING SOARD THIS --DAY o~---· 2007 APPROVAL OF OMAHA CITY COUNCIL Cf-IAIRMAN TH!S PlAT OF SOUTH OMAHA MEDICAL CAMPUS WAS APPROVED ANO ACC[P1EO BY THE OMAHA CIT'!' COIJNCIL THIS DAY OF MAYOR 2007 ---PRESIDENT CITY CLERK REVIEW BY DOUGLAS COUNTY ENGINEER THIS PLAT Of' SOUTH OMAHA MEDICAL CAMPUS WAS R[VIEWEO BY THE DOUGLAS COUNTY ENGINEER'S OFFTCE DATE DOPl'l.A~ l'OlJNTY ENGINEER u .:I ..: u .... Q >'! :E 0: ,_l ..: ~ '"' <I--~ 0 ~ ,... p 0 VJ 0 z -' ~ ~ 8 ~ ~~I~ .... ~ "''@ Q ;) ~I~ Q If) '.2 ~ ~ 'Clo:: I e oO ; S3 i -' ~ ffi ~ i·I ~ ~ ~ ~'I'! w ~ g ~ ·~~ ~ ~ c_ifi~l1~* z In::; 0 g ~ § ! ~ :l<e>:::: ~ ~ ~ ;; .::; 0 ~ T 0 0 'i'. :c ~ .. " p 1436-106-1 EXHIBIT "C" REDEVELOPMENT NOTE THIS NOTE HAS NOT BEEN REGISTERED UNDER THE SECURITIES ACT OF 1933 (THE " '33 ACT") AND MAY NOT BE TRANSFERRED, ASSIGNED, SOLD OR HYPOTHECATED UNLESS A REGISTRATION STATEMENT UNDER THE '33 ACT SHALL BE IN EFFECT WITH RESPECT THERETO AND THERE SHALL HA VE BEEN COMPLIANCE WITH THE '33 ACT AND ALL APPLICABLE RULES AND REGULATIONS THEREUNDER, OR THERE SHALL HAVE BEEN DELIVERED TO THE CITY OF OMAHA PRIOR TO TRANSFER, ASSIGNMENT, SALE OR HYPOTHECATION AN OPINION OF COUNSEL, SATISFACTORY TO THE CITY OF OMAHA TO THE EFFECT THAT REGISTRATION UNDER THE '33 ACT IS NOT REQUIRED. REDEVELOPMENT PROMISSORY NOTE $487,500.00 ' 2008 FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the City of Omaha, Nebraska ("Borrower"), promises to pay S & R Development, LLC a Nebraska limited liability company, whose address is 13404 Bedford Avenue, Omaha NE 68164 (the "Payee"; the Payee, together with any subsequent holder(s) hereof, hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Holder") the principal sum of Four Hundred Eighty Seven Thousand 00/100 Dollars ($487,500.00), together with interest thereon at the rate of five and one quarter (5.25%) per annum from the date of the execution of this Note until paid in full. The principal balance and interest thereon shall be due and payable to the Holder of this Redevelopment Promissory Note as and at such time as any excess ad valorem taxes generated by the Redevelopment Project as set forth in that certain Redevelopment Agreement dated the ;3-<l day of ~,Y , 2008 by and between the city of Omaha, Borrower, and S & R Development, LLC and I or the Holder (the "Redevelopment Agreement"), are collected by the City of Omaha and available for the retirement of the debt evidenced by this Note. In the event of default under this Note, all sums secured by this Note or any other agreement securing this Note shall bear interest at a rate equal to five percent (5%) above the regional prime or base rate as used by the TierOne Bank, 3707 N 1441 h Street Omaha, NE 68116- 4201, its successors and/or assigns, ("Lender"), from time to time, however, in the event said interest rate exceeds the maximum rate allowable by law then such rate of interest shall equal the highest legal rate available. Borrower may prepay the principal amount outstanding in whole or in part, without the prior consent of the Holder. In the event the monies collected and held in that special fund established under Section 18-2147 of the Nebraska Revised Statutes and pursuant lo the Redevelopment Agreement arc insufficient to pay in full all amounts due and owing at a date fifteen (15) years from the effective date of the S & R Development, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company, whose address is 13404 Bedford Avenue, Omaha NE 68164, Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment Project Plan, and all excess ad valorem taxes generated by the Redevelopment Project, as set forth in the Redevelopment Agreement, have been collected by the Borrower and have been paid, immediately upon being available, towards the retirement of the amounts due hereunder, then, at said date fifteen (15) years from the effective date of the S & R Development, LLC, a Nebraska limited liability company Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment Project Plan, the Holder shall waive any unpaid portion of the principal and interest due upon written request of Borrower. In the event this Note is referred to an attorney for collection the Holder shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees allowable by law and all court costs and other expenses incurred in connection with such collection. Unless prohibited by law, the Holder may, at its option, declare the entire unpaid balance of principal and interest immediately due and payable without notice or demand at any time after default hereunder by Borrower. Demand, presentment, protest and notice of nonpayment under this Note are hereby waived. No delay or omission on the part of the Holder in exercising any remedy, right or option under this Note shall operate as a waiver of such remedy, right or option. In any event, a waiver on any one occasion shall not be construed as a waiver or bar to any such remedy, right or option on a future occasion. Any notice provided for in this Note to the Borrower or the Holder shall be in writing and shall be given by hand delivery, commercial courier service which provides a written delivery receipt, or certified mail to Borrower in care of the Omaha City Finance Director at his official office address and to the Holder at its address set forth above or at such other address as Holder may designate by notice in writing. This Note shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Nebraska. All payments hereunder shall be payable in lawful money of the United States of America and shall be legal tender for public and private debts at the time of payment. CITY OF OMAHA, NEBRASKA, a municipal corporation By: ~ ~.e~,...-=~:;--6-0E' Mayor of the City of-:lha ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: -L ~{~~./ s:.1s-o.!~~ 2t7 Lll•Y(o~ /J~f. City Clerk of the Cit; of Omaha ~\.-City Attorney PLNLSFl 088-note EXHIBIT "D" EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY CLAUSE During the performance of this contract, the Program Provider agrees as follows: (!) The Program Provider shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, sex, national origin, or disability as defined by the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 and Omaha Municipal Code 13-82. The Program Provider shall take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, religion, color, sex or national origin. The Program Provider shall take all actions necessary to comply with the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 and Omaha Municipal Code (Chapter 13) including. but not limited to, reasonable accommodation. As used herein, the word "treated" shall mean and include, without limitation, the following: Recruited, whether advertising or by other means; compensated; selected for training, including apprenticeship; promoted; upgraded; demoted; downgraded; transferred; laid off; and terminated. The Program Provider agrees to and shall post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices to be provided by the contracting officers setting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause. (2) The Program Provider shall, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of the Program Provider, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, religion, color, sex, national origin, or disability as recognized under 42 USCS 12101 et seq. (3) The Program Provider shall send to each labor union or representative of workers with which he has a collective bargaining agreement or other contract or understanding a notice advising the labor union or worker's representative of the Program Provider's commitments under the Equal Employment Opportunity Clause of the City and shall post copies of the notice in conspicuous places available to employees and applicants for employment. (4) The Program Provider shall furnish to the contract compliance officer all federal forms containing the information and reports required by the federal government for federal contracts under federal rules and regulations, and including the information required by Sections 10-192 to 10-194, inclusive, and shall permit reasonable access to his records. Records accessible to the Contract Compliance Officer shall be those which are related to Paragraphs (1) through (7) of this subsection and only after reasonable notice is given the Program Provider. The purpose for this provision is to provide for investigation to ascertain compliance with the program provided for herein. (5) The Program Provider shall take such actions with respect to any sub-contractor as the City may direct as a means of enforcing the provisions of Paragraphs (1) through (7) herein, including penalties and sanctions for noncompliance; however, in the event the Program Provider becomes involved in or is threatened with litigation as the result of such directions by the City, the City will enter into such litigation as necessary to protect the interests of the City and to effectuate the provisions of this division; and in the case of contracts receiving federal assistance, the Program Provider or the City may request the United States to enter into such litigation to protect the interests of the United States. (6) The Program Provider shall file and shall cause his sub-contractor, if any, to file compliance reports with the Program Provider in the same form and to the same extent as required by the federal government for federal contracts under federal rules and regulations. Such compliance reports shall be filed with the Contract Compliance Officer. Compliance reports filed at such times as directed shall contain information as to the employment practices, policies, programs and statistics of the Program Provider and his sub-contractor. (7) The Program Provider shall include the provisions of Paragraphs (1) through (7) of this Section, "Equal Employment Opportunity Clause", and Section 10-193 in every subcontract or purchase order so that such provisions will be binding upon each sub-contractor or vendor. - 2 - COLLATERAL ASSIGNMENT AND PLEDGE AGREEMENT THIS COLLATERAL ASSIGNMENT AND PLEDGE AGREEMENT, dated the 7th day of May, 2008 ("Assignment"), from S & R Development, L.L.C., a Nebraska limited liability company, 13404 Bedford Ave., Omaha, Nebraska 68164 ("Assignor"), to TierOne Bank, a federally chartered savings bank, 1235 N Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 68508 ("Assignee"). 1. The City of Omaha has issued and delivered to Assignor its Redevelopment Promissory Note dated l2fa v Ai'" , 2008 in the principal sum of $487,500.00 ("Redevelopment Note"), pursuant to ~6rnvisions of the Redevelopment Agreement dated ~ h.3 , 2008 ("Redevelopment Agreement") entered into between Assignor and the City ofO ~ha. As of the date hereof, Assignor remains the owner and holder of the Redevelopment Note. Further, under even date herewith, Assignee has made a loan to Assignor in the principal amount of $487,500.00, which loan is evidenced by that certain Commercial Promissory Note executed by Assign0r to the order of Assignee dated of even date herewith ("Commercial Promissory Note"). 2. As material consideration and security for the above-referenced $487,500.00 loan to Assignor, Assignor does hereby assign to and pledge with Assignee, the Redevelopment Note, a copy of which is attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A" and by this reference incorporated herein, including all claims, rights, powers, privileges and remedies on the part of Assignor pertaining thereto, whether arising by statute, at law, in equity or otherwise. 3. Concurrent with execution of this Assignment, Assignor has delivered the original Redevelopment Note to Assignee. 4. When all amounts owing by Assignor to Assignee under the Commercial Promissory Note have been paid in full, Assignee shall terminate this Assignment and reassign, without recourse, and return the original Redevelopment Note to Assignor. 5. Assignor represents and warrants to Assignee that Assignor owns the Redevelopment Note and all sums now or hereafter due thereunder, free and clear of all liens, claims, security interests, encumbrances, setoffs, defenses and counterclaims, except for the security interest granted to Assignee by this Assignment. There is unpaid and unconditionally owing to Assignor, with respect to the Redevelopment Note, the entire principal balance and accrued interest in accordance with the terms of the Redevelopment Note. Assignor further represents and warrants that the Redevelopment Note has not been transferred, assigned or otherwise disposed of, except as assigned and pledged pursuant to this Assignment. 6. Assignor hereby irrevocably appoints Assignee its attorney in fact, coupled with an interest and therefore irrevocable, to give notices or payment instructions to the City of Omaha in accordance with this Assignment; to take any actions necessary or desirable, in Assignee's sole discretion, to collect amounts due under the Redevelopment Note; to execute and deliver any documents that this Assignment requires Assignor to execute and deliver to Assignee; to take any other actions that this Assignment requires Assignor to take; to endorse and cash checks and other instruments representing proceeds of the Redevelopment Note; and to perform any and all other acts as Assignee in its sole judgment reasonably exercised shall deem necessary or desirable with respect to this Assignment, including the filing of any financing statements necessary or appropriate for the collateral. Assignor covenants that it will deliver to the Assignee all sums which may be received by Assignor under the Redevelopment Note. 7. No failure by Assignee to exercise, and no delay in exercising, any right, power or remedy under this Assignment shall operate as a waiver thereof; nor shall any single or partial exercise by Assignee of any right, power or remedy preclude any other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, power or remedy. The remedies in this Assignment are cumulative and are not exclusive of any remedies provided by statute, at law, in equity or otherwise. 8. This Assignment may not be amended or modified orally. Nothing contained herein shall permit any further assignment of the Redevelopment Note without the prior written consent of the City of Omaha, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. 9. This Assignment shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Nebraska. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Assignor has executed this Assignment on the date first set forth above. Assignor: ST ATE OF NEBRASKA ) ) SS COUNTY OF DOUGLAS ) On this 1~JJ day of May, 2008, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the State of Nebraska, personally appeared Jorge Sotolongo, M.D., the manager of S & R Development, L.L.C., a Nebraska limited liability company, on behalf of the company. ENERAL NOTARY-State of Nebraska ALYSSA WINDHAM My Comm. Exp. Sept.15, 2008 2 CONSENT OP THE CITY OF OMAHA TO THE COLLATERAL ASSIGNMENT AND PLEDGE AGREEMENT COMES NOW the City of Omaha and hereby consents to the foregoing Collateral Assignment and Pledge Agreement from S & R Development, L.L.C., a Nebraska limited liability company, as Assignor, to TierOne Bank, as Assignee. The City of Omaha hereby acknowledges and agrees that no other party has notified the City of Omaha of an assignment or pledging of the Redevelopment Promissory Note identified in the foregoing Collateral Assignment and Pledge Agreement. Dated this 15 day of May, 2008. ATTEST: _a_,~~ d~* City Clerk of the City of Omaha APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~ ,{!, , u<:;)f City Attorney CITY OF OMAHA, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION n,h~J.... s;),..C~S--/D·oy Mike Fahey, Mayo Loan Docs 2008/S & R TIF Financing Coll Assgn of Pledge Agmt.doc/lms 3 PUBLICATIONS PUBLICATION OF HEARING Date /£5-08 PUBLICATION OF ORDINANCE Date 5-iJ-O{j .,,,, 61( ./' ORDINANCE NO. , jf/tJ I AN ORDINANCE to approve the Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Redevelopment Loan Agreement between the City of Omaha and S & R Development, LLC, a Nebraska Limited Liability Company for the development of the Metro OBGYN South Omaha Medical Campus located at 3213 S. 24th Street, which includes tax increment financing of $487,500; and providing for an effective date. PLNLSF1088 ;c_j / PRESENTED TO COUNCIL Hearing MAY -6 2008 -ouev fo 5) ).::a.,/c,'8 Final~eading MAY \ 3 21J08 rassed ' 'I -_n__ BUSTER BROWN City Clerk )9"P"g~