RES 1995-2386 - Appoint Steve H Tomasek to board of directors of South Omaha industrical park development corporation • OVI"A.NFd RECEIVED � Aoi11, Y.4d1k._� Office of the Mayor al ��ri,Ra5^ 95 S C] I I D i 3. 2 7 1819 Farnam Street,Suite 300 (� 7 C t f7 Omaha,Nebraska 68183-0300 ® f`> �! $ • (402)444-5000 off..- ?�;� `= ,�. . yro FAX:(402)444-6059 FDFeBa°ram CITY CLERK OMAHA, NE8RASK City of Omaha • Hal Daub,Mayor • September 19 , 1995 r r Honorable President and Members of the City Council, Attached for your consideration is a Resolution electing Steve H. Tomasek to serve on the South Omaha Industrial Park Development Corporation. Mr. Tomasek's term shall commence on the day of confirmation by the City Council and expire after the Corporation's 1999 annual meeting. A copy of Mr.Tomasek's resume is attached for your information. Your favorable consideration of this request will be appreciated. Sincerely, Hal Daub, Mayor City of Omaha P:\PER\1680.SKZ C Svc E- te,e_ s ///i, A7-e 77;o4) -e , ; y e'N /ti�U ;f2%/17 /77 04 / D //; (v, Jr, 62rrn . — yie s erg / QArm.-; Oro 4 L;�9i,rI, t34-/s/w:e ss ,Z,� V/ 1,74/ fe .171.-/s /3.5>.1 i s o, e g y — — €.ter/?z,( o ./ 77p //.s /1"(f.?„ — eT�r> /`r� �Ovye / c. /iV / / / 1:,/e -C • /-/G7 /2e /Al /1/1 icy CY.L di 1- U 3 S - 't- %S CL e. .! -eo /ov A - /1//,C/moo !/li:f /2e .v _ /„ /9 V cf'o�/ 3 )7,7e,, - / h/i i/-e eves C-25A CITY OF OMAHA LEGISLATIVE CHAMBER Omaha, Nebr 19 RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OMAHA: WHEREAS, Section 21-2307, Revised Statutes of Nebraska, 1943, as amended, provides for the election of Directors by the governing body of the Municipality establishing an industrial development corporation; and, WHEREAS, a vacancy exists on the Board of Directors of the South Omaha Industrial Park Development Corporation due to the expiration of the term of John D. Bush, Sr., as a member of said Board of Directors; and, WHEREAS,Mayor Daub has nominated Steve H. Tomasek,2606 South 33 Street, to be a member of the South Omaha Industrial Park Development Corporation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE• CITY OF OMAHA: • THAT,this Council hereby elects Steve H. Tomasek, 2606 South 33 Street,to be a member of the Board of Directors of the South Omaha Industrial Park Development Corporation to serve a term commencing on the date of confirmation by the City Council and to expire immediately after the 1999 annual meeting of said Board of Directors. APPROVED AS TO FORM: —BASSIST ITY ORNEY P.\PER\1686.SKZ • By. ' ' '( Councilmember Dy,el _ • Adopted.. EP 19 5 yO .eid it CI Approved *. Mayor r c i sv O ti ,. 9,66 w bll- c� o. IZ' Co X ►0 O R 7c Cr7 R. 07. (4 , Q., 1-4 Fb- ).-) -CD (...). \A td rzo Fi )-cI cp cfl cn c HIJHo p\ \ n N O N a n O O n A O n o r' • Fr .-� Q q p CT` c •