ORD 5401 - Vacate parts of Railroad, Castelar, Arbor, Elm, Oak, and Spring Sts 1 rib /' r 1 ORDINANCE NO. (J _0 -/f- An ordinance declaring the necessity for vacating) and providing for the vacationlof certain portions of streets in the City of Omaha, and granting to Union Pacific Railroad Company and Omaha and North Plate Railroad Company the right- and authority to construct, lay down, maintain and operate railroad tracks over the portions of the streets so herein provided to be vacated, and when and as the same are vacated; said portions of said streets being described as follows: Railroad street between the South )fine of Martha. street; '' and the North line of Vinton Street; also those portions of Castellar, Arbor, Elm, Oak, and Spring streets, which lie between the east line of said. Railroad street and the east line of the right of wak,prolonged, of Omaha and North Platte Railroad Company, as the same is located and exists over, along, and across Wilcox Addition, and Wilcox Second Addition to the City of Omaha, as the same is surveyed, platted and recorded. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY 'COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OMAHA: SECTION 1. • That it is proper and necessary, an& it is hereby declared proper and necessary, to vacate, and the ,. same are Ali • hereby vacated, those portions of streets within the City of Omaha, men- 4ioned -and•-descrihed .as...foilows to-wit: - - - - A11 that part of Railroad Street which lies between the South Hine of Martha street and the North line of Vinton street , and all those parts respectively of Spring, Oak, Elm, Arbor and Castellar streets , as the same were laid out , which lie between the east line of Railroad street, as the same was laid out , and a line which would be a continuation of the _east line of the right of way of Omaha and North Platte Railroad Com- fib *46 . —2- parry as the same is located over and across said streets , and over and across Wilcox Addition and Wilcox Second Addition to the City of Omaha, said laced parts of said streets so hereb being more parti- cularly described as follows , to-wit: A part of Castellar street described more parti- cularly as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of lot eight, (8) , Block two (2) , Wilcox Addition to Omaha; thence East on the North line of said Castellar street to a point fifty (50) feet measured Southeasterly at right angle from center line of'th'e Omah . .and North Platte Railroad Company; • thsnce7 Sout.l westerly-in la straight line to a point on South line of said Cast- ellar street one 'hundred (100) feet East of the North- west corner of lot sixteen (16) , Block three (3) , in said Wilcox Addition; thence West along said South. line one hundred (100) feet to said Northwest corner of said lot sixteen (16 ) ; thence Northeasterly to place of beginning.Also a part of Arbor Street described as follows : Beginning at the Southwest corner of lot nine(9) in said block three (3) , Wilcox Addition;thence East one hundred (100) feet along the North line of said >C Arbor street; thence southwesterly in a straight line to the northeast corner of lot one (1) , block seven (7) , said Wilcox Addition; thence west on the south line of said Arbor street one hundred and fourteen (114) feet to the northwest corner of said lot one (1) ; thence northeasterly to place of beginning . Also a part of Elm street described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of lot nine (a) , block eight (8) , said Wilcox Addition; thence east along the north line of said Elm street ninety eight (98) feet ,to the southeast corner of said lot nine (9) ; • - a r • • thence southwesterly in a straight line to a point • o n the south line of said Elm street seventy five (75) feet east of the Northwest corner of lot sixteen (16 ) , block thirteen (13) , said Wilcox Addition; thence west seventy five (75) feet to said northwest corner of said lot sixteen (16 ) , block. thirteen (13) ; thence northeasterly to place of beginning. Also a part of Oak street described as follows: Beginmmng at the southwest corner of lot nine (9) , block thirteen (13) , said Wilcox Addition; thence east along the north line of said Oak street aeventy five (75) feet; thence scuthwesterly in a straight line to a point nn the south line of said. Oak street seventy five' (751' feet east of the northwest corner of lot sixteen (16) , block fourteen (14) , said Wilcox Addition; thence west seventy five (75) feet to said northwest corner of said lot sixteen (16) ; thence northeasterly to place of beginning. Also a part of Spring street described as follows : Beginning at the southwest corner of lot nine (9) , block fourteen (14 ) , said Wilcox Addition; thende east on north line of .said Spring street seventy five (75) feet ; thence southwesterly on a straight line to a point on the south line of said Spring street seventy five (75) feet east of the northwest corner of lot Second sixteen (16) , block thirty one (31) , Wilcox/Addition to the City of Omaha; thence west seventy five (75) feet to said northwest corner of said lot sixteen (16) , block thirty one (31) ; thence northeasterly to place of beginning. SECTION 2 That permission and authority be , and the same herebyare, ,given and granted unto Union Pacific Railroad Company, its successors and assigns, to i - n ,� • . o -4- construct, lay down , maintain, and operate railroad tracks , along , upon, and across the westerly one half tpart, of that part of said Railroad street so hereby vacated. SECTION 3. That permission and authority be , and the same hereby are, given and granted unto Omaha' and North Platte Railroad Company, its lessors, successors and assigns , to construct, lay down, maintain, and operate . railroad tracks , over, across, along and upon the easterly one half part of that part of said Railroad street so hereby vacated, au well as over , across, and upon those parts of Spring, Oak, Elm, Arbor and Cas- tellar streets , hereinbefore described, and which are also hereby severally vacated. SECTION 4. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage , approval, and pub- lication. 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