RES 1999-1467 - Agmt with Family Service for supportive housing funding 94rea. 0tdIAHA,,�,4. of 84, Planning Department �,� �� RECEIVE.: Omaha/Douglas Civic Center ate ices.►%tsa^ 1819 Farnam Street,Suite 1100 z 99 NY 2 p 33 Omaha,Nebraska 68183 0110 oy M ry (402)444-5200 (402)444-5150 AOR�rED FEBRJ��� ' Telefax(402)444-6140 June -8, ;e.l.HA, EB A`SK City of Omaha Robert C.Peters Hal Daub,Mayor Acting Director Honorable President and Members of the City Council, The attached proposed Resolution approves a subrecipient Agreement between the Cityof Omaha P p pp P g and Family Service,a Nebraska Non-Profit Corporation, 2101 South 42nd Street, Omaha,Nebraska 68105, for Fiscal Year 1998 Continuum of Care Supportive Housing Funding in the amount of $233,674.00. These supportive housing funds will be used to assist homeless families and individuals by providing 1) mental health and substance abuse diagnostic assessments including mental health exams and substance abuse/dependency screenings and 2)therapeutic treatment for homeless persons who are mentally ill and/or addicted to alcohol or other substances. The Family Service project is one of six projects approved by HUD for 1998 Supportive Housing funding. The City Council previously approved the acceptance of the HUD funds for this project. The Contractor has on file a current Annual Contract Compliant Report Form (CC1). As is City policy, the Human Relations Director will review the contractor to ensure compliance with the Contract Compliance Ordinance. We urge your favorable consideration of this Resolution. Sincerely, Referred to City Council for Consideration: f ✓1 I,,i s 3 1, ° < // // /� 9ii Robert C. Peters Datte Mayor's Office/Title Date Acting Planning Director Approved as to Funding: Approved: c2"-- e_..tA 4,.' -.. -/Cft 6 • u. ta-4 C"7" 49 Louis A. D'Ercole a Die George avi , r. Da e Finance Director 0 Human Relations Director P:\PLN3\7115.MAF `44.. AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is,entezed into by and between the City of Omaha, a Municipal Corporation in Douglas County,Nebraska(sometimes hereinafter referred to as "City") and Family Service, a Nebraska Non-Profit Corporation, 2101 South 42nd Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68105 (sometimes hereinafter referred to as "Contractor") on the terms, conditions and provisions as set forth below: RECITALS: WHEREAS, the City of Omaha is a municipal corporation located in Douglas County, Nebraska, and is organized and exists under the laws of the State of Nebraska, and is authorized and •empowered to exercise all powers conferred by the State constitution, laws, Home Rule Charter of the City of Omaha, 1956,as amended, and local ordinances including,but not limited to, the power to contract; and, WHEREAS,on April 30, 1998, the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development published in the Federal Register a Notice of Funding Availability for Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance designed to help communities develop Continuum of Care systems to assist homeless persons; and WHEREAS, the Omaha Area Continuum of Care for the Homeless is comprised of organizations providing shelter and services to homeless individuals and families on an area-wide basis; and, WHEREAS,the City of Omaha undertook an inclusive community process for developing and implementing a Continuum of Care strategy which included participation of the membership of the Omaha Area Continuum of Care for the Homeless; and, WHEREAS,the City of Omaha developed and submitted to the U. S.Department of Housing and Urban Development a consolidated application with the Visiting Nurse Association; Family Service;Legal Aid Society,Inc.;Housing and Neighborhood Developers, Inc.;the Paxton, Inc.; and the Charles Drew Health Center for Continuum of Care- Supportive Housing funding; and, WHEREAS,on January 13, 1999,the U. S.Department of Housing and Urban Development notified the City of Omaha of the conditional selection of its consolidated application for funding under the Fiscal Year 1999 Supportive Housing Program; and, WHEREAS,the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has awarded Family Service Supportive Housing funds in the amount of$233,674.00 and has assigned the grant number NE26B801005 for the Family Service project; and, WHEREAS, Supportive Housing Assistance for Omaha's Continuum of Care programs will help provide a much needed comprehensive approach to develop and implement housing and service delivery programs to help homeless individuals and families move to permanent living and self- sufficiency to the extent possible. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of these mutual covenants,Family Service and the City of Omaha do hereby agree as follows: SECTION 1. DEFINITIONS - ABBREVIATIONS 1.1 "City" shall mean - the City of Omaha, a Nebraska Municipal Corporation. 1.2 "Contractor" shall mean-Family Service,a non-profit corporation, 2101 South 42nd Street, Omaha,Nebraska 68105. (See Exhibit "A") 1.3 "Director" shall mean-the Planning Department Director of the City of Omaha. 1.4 "Recipient" shall mean- the City of Omaha. 1.5 "Subrecipient" shall mean - a public or private non-profit agency, authority or organization receiving Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Supportive Housing funds to undertake eligible activities. In this Agreement, the subrecipient is Family Service. 1.6 "HUD" shall mean-the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. 1.7 "Supportive Housing Program(SHP)" shall mean-the program conducted under the provisions of Title IV, Subtitle C, of the Stewart B.McKinney Homeless Assistance Act (McKinney Act) as amended, (42 USC 11381) and the Code of Federal Regulations (24 CFR Part 583). 1.8 "SHP Funds" shall mean - that portion of the Supportive Housing Program Grant awarded to the City as may be available during Program years 1999, 2000, and 2001 for the use specified herein, in an amount not to exceed$233,674.00 subject to the terms, conditions, and requirements of said Grant. 1.9 "Homeless Person" shall mean-an individual or family who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence; and an individual or family who has a primary nighttime residence that is: 1) a supervised publicly or privately operated shelter designed to provide temporary living accommodations (including welfare hotels, congregate shelters, and transitional housing for the mentally ill), 2) an institution. that provides a temporary residence for individuals intended to be institutionalized, or 3)a public or private place not designed for,or ordinarily use as,a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings. -2- 1.10 "OACCH Management and Information System" shall mean - a client-specific homeless services information system for homeless recover that standardizes the assessment of consumer needs,creates individualized service plans, and records the use of housing and services. 1.11 "Application" shall mean-the Family Service application submission,on the basis of which the SHP Funds were approved by HUD, including any certifications and assurances and any information or documentation required to meet any SHP Funds conditions. The "Application" is contained in Exhibit "B", incorporated herein by this reference. 1.12 "Omaha Area Continuum of Care for the Homeless" or "OACCH" shall mean - the coordinated and responsive network of programs and services providing emergency, transitional, and supportive shelter and supportive services to the Omaha area's homeless individuals and families,or near homeless individuals and families. SECTION 2. DUTIES AND CONDITIONS OF CITY FINANCING 2.1 Subject to and conditioned upon actual receipt of same, the City agrees to make available to the Contractor, in the form of a grant, Two Hundred Thirty-Three Thousand Six Hundred Seventy-Four Dollars ($233,674.00) in SHP Funds, HUD Grant No. NE26B801005, for the purposes set forth in this Agreement and as detailed in Exhibit "C" Scope of Work, incorporated herein by this reference. 2.1.1 City funding pursuant to this Section shall be contingent upon receipt of and subject to the availability of SHP funds in amounts adequate to meet any contractual obligations in force upon the date of execution of the Agreement as well as this proposed obligation. Should adequate funding not be available, the City shall notify the Contractor as soon as reasonably possible. At this time, the responsibilities of the Contractor under Section 3 of this Agreement shall be released,the provisions of Section 5,Paragraph 5.10 will be exercised and the Agreement will be terminated. 2.1.2 Reimbursement shall be on a monthly basis for the attached budget line item expenditures. Payments shall be made on the basis of monthly requests for payment and shall be reimbursements for actual expenditures. The Annual Operating Budget is attached as Exhibit "D". 2.1.3 Monthly billing shall be submitted to the Director by Contractor with the monthly progress report. The monthly bill and progress report is due not later than fifteen (15) days following each monthly reporting period. 2.1.4 The City shall review and monitor the required monthly reports that ide• - the progress/accomplishments of Contractor on the activities included • Agreement and on contracts entered into with third parties pursuant the - . - 3 - • • 2.1.5 The City shall prepare monthly payment vouchers for Contractor based upon the Contractor's monthly progress report and request for payment. 2.1.6 The City shall retain and use Eleven Thousand One Hundred Twenty-Sever Dollars ($11,127.00) of the SHP Funds for any eligible administrative expenses it may incur. 2.1.7 The Family Service shall use the remaining Two Hundred Twenty-Two Thousand Five Hundred Forty-Seven Dollars ($222,547.00) in SHP Funds for the purposes set forth in this Agreement (See Exhibit "C" Scope of Work). 2.1.8 No financial assistance provided pursuant to this Agreement may be used to replace State or local funds previously used, or designated for use, to assist homeless persons. 2.1.9 The City may deobligate the remaining amounts for services in any year if the actual cost of services for that year is less than the total cost anticipated in the. Application. SECTION 3. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CONTRACTOR 3.1 The Contractor shall use the SHP Funds to assist homeless individuals and families in the Omaha Area Continuum of Care for the Homeless. This shall be accomplished by: 3.1.1 Providing mental health and substance abuse diagnostic assessments including mental health exams, substance abuse/dependency screenings and diagnostic impressions for treatment; 3.1.2 Providing therapeutic treatment for homeless persons who are mentally ill and/or addicted to alcohol or other substances; 3.1.3 Employing two full-time equivalent licensed clinical social workers to perform diagnostic assessment and therapeutic treatment at Omaha Area emergency and transitional shelters and at Family Service's facilities; and, 3.1.4 Providing outreach to Omaha Area emergency and transitional shelter and receiving referrals from other agencies who provide services to homeless persons. 3.2 The Contractor shall submit an operating budget by line item indicating all proposed . expenditures and sources of revenue for the 1999 program year(See Exhibit "D"). • -4- 3.3 The Contractor shall submit monthly progress report to the Director delineating Contractor's accomplishments for the previous 30 day period on the specific activities undertaken pursuant to this Agreement. 3.4 The Contractor shall submit monthly financial reports to the Director delineating the revenue and line item expenditures for Contractor's services undertaken pursuant to this Agreement. In addition, a monthly check register is to be submitted listing each expenditure by check number, payee, date and amount. 3.5 The Contractor shall comply with all provisions and regulations of the Supportive Housing Program and have an annual audit completed in compliance with OMB Circular A-133. A copy of the audit shall be provided to the Director. OMB Circular A-133 is attached to this Agreement as Exhibit"E". The auditor shall determine the appropriate type of audit to be conducted; i.e., limited scope or full compliance. A single audit is not an allowable expense unless the subrecipient expends total Federal funds over$300,000.00 in each fiscal year. A limited-scope audit may be allowable provided the auditor conducts the audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and the subrecipient expense less than$300,000.00 in each fiscal year. 3.6 The Contractor specifically hereby states, agrees and certifies that it is familiar with the limited purpose set forth in the Federal Laws, Rules and Regulations, and in the laws of the State of Nebraska,for which personal information requested may be used and that the information received will be used solely for those limited purposes and not to harass, degrade, or humiliate any person. The information released shall be used solely for the limited purpose stated, and the Contractor further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City of Omaha for any liability arising out of the improper use by the contractor of information provided. 3.7 The Contractor shall maintain such records and accounts, including property, personnel and financial records, as are deemed necessary by the City to assure a proper accounting for all expenses. The Comptroller General of the United States of America or any duly authorized representatives, or any duly authorized representatives of the City of Omaha, as approved by the Planning Director, shall have access to any books,documents,papers,records and accounts of the Contractor or subcontractors which are directly pertinent to this undertaking for the purpose of making audit,examination, excerpts and transcriptions. Such records and accounts shall be retained for five years from the contract period completion. Any contract entered into by the Contractor with any Subcontractors shall include this Section to ensure said access. 3.7.1 The Contractor shall keep any records and make any reports (including those pertaining to race,ethnicity, gender, and disability status data)that HUD may require within the time frame required. - 5 - 3.8 The Contractor shall provide an annual assurance,in writing to the Director,for each year SHP Funds are received that the project will be operated for the purpose specified in the Application. 3.9 The Contractor shall conduct an ongoing assessment of the supportive services required by the residents of projects and the availability of such services, and make adjustments as appropriate. 3.10 The Contractor shall provide for the consultation and participation of not less than one homeless person or formerly homeless person on the board of directors or an equivalent policy making entity of the Contractor, to the extent that such entity considers and makes policies and decisions regarding any project, services, or assistance provided pursuant to this Agreement. 3.10.1 This requirement may be waived, in writing by HUD, if the Contractor is unable to meet it and presents an acceptable plan to otherwise consult with homeless or formerly homeless persons in considering and making such policies and decisions. 3.11 The Contractor must, to the maximum extent practicable, involve homeless individuals and families, through employment, volunteer services, or otherwise, in constructing,rehabilitating,maintaining, and operating the project and in providing supportive services for the project. 3.12 The Contractor must comply with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 in the provision of reasonable accommodation to perspective clients and must adopt procedures to make available information on the existence and locations of facilities and services that are accessible to persons with a handicap and maintain evidence of implementation of the procedures. 3.13 The Contractor shall regularly and reliably attend OACCH monthly meetings,ensure that all program information is listed in the OACCH Directory, participate in the OACCH colleague feedback process, install and implement the OACCH Management and Information System,participate in the OACCH monthly housing count(as applicable) and attend the annual State of Nebraska "Affordable Housing and Homelessness Conference". SECTION 4. TERM OF THE AGREEMENT This Agreement shall be in full force and effect from May 1, 1999, through and including April 30, 2002. - * ° 6 - SECTION 5. CONSIDERATION 5.1 In consideration of the services herein provided,the City agrees to pay Contractor the sum of Two Hundred Twenty-Two Thousand Five Hundred Forty-Seven Dollars ($222,547.00) in SHP Funds. 5.2 The City shall retain and use Eleven Thousand One Hundred Twenty-Seven Dollars ($11,127.00)of the SHP Funds for any eligible administrative expenses it may incur. SECTION 6. PROVISIONS OF THE AGREEMENT 6.1 Equal Employment Opportunity/Section 3 Clause. Attached hereto as Exhibits "F" and "G", and made a part hereof by this reference, are the equal employment provisions of this Agreement. 6.2 Non-Discrimination. The Contractor shall not,in the performance of this Agreement, discriminate or permit discrimination in violation of federal or state laws or local ordinances because of race, color, handicap, familial status, sex, age, political or religious opinions, affiliations or national origin. 6.3 Captions. Captions used in this Agreement are for convenience and are not used in the construction of this Agreement. 6.4 Applicable Law. Parties to this Agreement shall conform with all existing and applicable City ordinances,resolutions,state laws,federal laws, and all existing and applicable rules and regulations. Nebraska law will govern the terms and the performance under this Agreement. 6.5 Interest of the City. Pursuant to Section 8.05 of the Home Rule Charter, no elected official or any officer or employee of the City shall have a financial interest, direct or indirect, in any City agreement. Any violation of this section with the knowledge of the person or corporation contracting with the City shall render the Agreement voidable by the Mayor or Council. 6.6 Merger. This Agreement shall not be merged into any other oral or written agreement, lease or deed of any type. 6.7 Modification. This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties. No representations were made or relied upon by either party other than those that are expressly set forth herein. No agent,employee,or other representative of either party is empowered to alter any of the terms herein unless done in writing and signed by an authorized officer of the respective parties, pursuant to Section 10-142 of the Omaha Municipal Code. 6.8 Assignment. The Contractor may not assign its rights or obligations under this Agreement without the express prior written consent of the City. - 7 - 6.9 Strict Compliance. All provisions of this Agreement and each and every document that shall be attached shall be strictly complied with as written, and no substitution or change shall be made except upon written direction from authorized representatives of the parties. 6.10 Termination. This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon thirty (30) days written notice to the other party. Said notice shall be given when received by certified mail at the other party's usual place of business. This Agreement may also be suspended or terminated in accordance with 24 CFR 85.43, Enforcement or 24 CFR 85.44,Termination for Convenience(Exhibit"H"). Upon termination of this Agreement all funds and interest in any account hereunder shall become the property of the City and shall be returned to the City. 6.11 Indemnification. The Contractor shall indemnify and hold the City harmless from and against: (1) any and all claims arising from contracts between the Contractor and third parties made to effectuate the purposes of this Agreement; and, (2) any and all claims,liabilities or damages arising from the preparation or presentation of any of the work covered by this Agreement. 6.12 Nebraska Law. This Agreement shall be a contract made under and governed by the laws of the State of Nebraska. 6.13 Unenforceable Provisions. Any provision of this Agreement which is prohibited or unenforceable in any jurisdiction shall, as to such jurisdiction,be ineffective to the extent of such prohibition of enforceability without invalidating the remaining provisions hereof or affecting the validity or enforceability of such provision in any other jurisdiction. 6.14 Disclosure of Lobbying. The Contractor shall certify and disclose, to the best of its knowledge and belief, that: (a) No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid,by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of Congress,or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement,and the extension,continuation,renewal, amendment or modification of any Federal contract,grant,loan or cooperative agreement. (b) If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this Federal contract,grant,loan or cooperative agreement, the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form-LLL, "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying", in accordance with its instructions. - 8 - (c) The language of this certification be included in the award documents for all subawards at all tiers (including subcontracts, subgrants, and contracts under grants, loans and cooperative agreements) and that all subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly. 6.15 Subrecipients. The Contractor shall comply with the requirements and the standards of OMB Circular No. A-122, "Cost Principles for the Nonprofit Organizations" (Exhibit "I"), and with the requirements of Attachments A, B, C,F, H, N and 0 to OMB Circular A-110(Exhibit "J"). 6.16 Drug-Free Workplace. The Contractor is subject to the requirements of Sections 5151-5160 of the Drug-Free Workplace act of 1988 and HUD's implementing regulations at 24 CFR Part 24 (See Exhibit "K"). 6.17 Use of Debarred, Suspended, or Ineligible Contractors. The provisions of 24 CFR Part 24 shall apply to the employment, engagement°of services, awarding of contracts, or funding of any contractors or subcontractors during any period of debarment, suspension, or placement in ineligibility status (See Exhibit "L"). SECTION 7 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES In further consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained,the parties hereto expressly agree that for purposes of notice, including legal service of process, during the term of this Agreement,and for the period of any applicable statute or limitations thereafter,the following named individuals shall be authorized representatives of the parties. (1) City of Omaha Director, Planning Department Omaha/Douglas Civic Center 1819 Farnam Street Omaha, NE 68183 (2) Family Service Peter Tulipana Executive Director 2101 South 42nd Street Omaha,NE 68105 - 9 - IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties have executed this Agreement as of the dates indicated • below. ATTEST: CITY OF 0 . : CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF OMAHA MAYOR-6 F THE CITY OF OMAHA WITNESS: FAMILY SERVICE: Peter Tulipana,Executive Director l3— 99 .5'-13-99 • Date Date APPROVED AS TO FORM: de/117") ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY P:\PLN3\71.17.MAF • - 10- SCHEDULE OF EXHIBITS • Agreement. Exhibit Location Description A 1.2 Articles of Incorporation and Board of Directors B 1.11 Application C 2.1, 3.1 Scope of Work D 2.1.2, 3.2 Annual Operating Budget E 3.5 OMB Circular A-133 F 6.1 Equal Employment Opportunity Clause G 6.1 Affirmative Action Plan H 6.10 Termination-CFR 85.43 and CFR 85.44 I 6.15 OMB Circular A-122 J 6.15 OMB Circular A-110 K 6.16 Drug-Free Workplace L 6.17 Use of Debarred, Suspended or Ineligible Contractors Exhibits identified herein are made a part hereof by reference and are a part of the provisions of the Agreement. Exhibits B and E through L are on file in the Planning Department. P:\PLN3\7117.MAF 410 - 11 - • STATE OF _ NE ItRASKA 'TiIE......... - �• •,E1 •i- x� ji WI •6 ?. a9 a r ntte� tttteo of�nterictt, l SE. tv,�i��ii,�sri�rt .. ii Etpartmerrt of rte rte of NebraskaJ �'1 k tw iw 1, I. irtt J. +!1r rmatttt, rrrrtarit of 'tatr of tilt tatr. of ?.ebrttaka lu 1it'rririi rrr#ifir that • the attached is a true and correct copy of Articles of Incorporation as filed in this office on February 2, 1952 , and all • amendments thereto of FAIIMILY SERVICE with its registered office located in Omaha, Nebraska. I further certify that said corporation • is in good standing as of this date . in Jr.itintunig 113.4rrnif, 1 flame tferruntn Bet my ffanb anb - ::. of fixed tile (&eat teat of tile tat ( ;• :;.<.. -:��•::, . . of rbraoka. r Bone at 7itnrnln tfi' •iiyi„t ;t i, ?:' =:�r_ ti: bagof FPhri��r iit�:. ,,iaa%� =ale,� ',.r,;��f: r' - - Y / 4 ,,,, :rt:',2v:t r; ...:,: : ,., _ : '..3.-J in tile gear of our Fiord, one of ,' ; ,: ._. ottnd nine ffundrri� anb .'. CRAiti != ;i �i ii: ••r:-�:z;1f;.T: .y.,�.a iY arty 7ti t^•: ' i kf _ ninety 'i t• r;l4 u,5-.;7_Y.�h�•.l�;_:'Pkite ft,•iW 1 1 ii•.ti• = r- ~?`�� ,� btY7-JL 1 °+ • SECRETARY OF STATE C;i''', J•_'..Tilt, .`�'M g.,f . :- ,:-;l_a:..r: :.,: DEPUTY • following which an individual must remain off the board for at least one year. Beginning with the annual meeting in January of 1955, the board shall consist of twenty-four members, eight .of whose terms shall expire in one year, eight in two years, and eight in three years . In order to avail themselves of the services of the board members of the two merging corporations during the first three years of merger, the members of the association at the annual meeting in January, 1952 may elect a board consisting of not more than forty-one members, but not less than twenty-four members; at the annual meeting in January, 1953 a board consisting of not more than thirty-six members and not less than twenty-four members; and at the annual meeting in January, 195L4. a board consisting of not more than twenty-seven members nor less than twenty-four members. At no annual meeting shall more than eight be elected to three-year terms. At any meeting of the board a quorum shall consist of twelve members. The Directors shall be elected by the membership at the annual meeting. ' ARTICLE IV The annual meeting of the corporation shall be held on the third Thursday in ..January of each year unless for good cause it is determined by. the board to postpone such meeting for a reasonable period of time. Notice of the annual meeting shall be mailed to each member at least seven days prior to the date of such meeting. Directors shall be elected at such annual meeting except that in case of a vacancy in the board caused by • :. death, resignation or removal, the board may fill such vacancy • until the next annual meeting of the members. ARTICLE V The Board of Directors shall, immediately after the annual meeting of the membership, meet• for the purpose of electing from its number a President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary," and Treasurer, except that • the Treasurer may be retained as an officer but not a board member if elected as an officer for any year he is not eligible for membership on the board. Such officers shall serve for one year and until their successors are elected and qualified, the respective duties of such officers to be prescribed in the By-Laws which may be promulgated from time to time by the board. To promulgate or amend By-Laws shall require . a majority vote of the entire board as then constituted. The board may appoint such other officers as may from time to time be deemed desirable and describe their duties, and all such appointed officers, including the executive secretary, shall hold office during the pleasure of the board. The board shall meet regularly on the third Thursday of each month, except for the months of July and August. Special meetings may be called as provided in the By-Laws. All board members and officers except the. executive secretary designated by the board shall serve without compensation. All action by the membership and by the board shall be by majority vote of those present and voting subject to the 0351 --3- 1 • 1 •t , . requirement that in the case of the board a quorum must be present, The Board of Directors shall constitute and appoint such committees as may be deemed necessary to execute effectively. ' its .program and directions. Among others, there shall be an . executive committee, consisting of the officers elected by the board and board members serving as chairmen of all committees. The executive committee shall exercise the powers and functions of the board in the interim of meetings of the board or in the absence of a quorum of the board or upon special call of the president, all action subject to approval of the board. A simple majority of the executive committee shall constitute a quorum. ARTICLE VI The membership of the corporation shall comprise any and all persons who shall evince their 'interest in the work and their desire to be' members of the "Family and Child Service of • Omaha" and who shall pay annually the membership fee fixed from time to time by the board of the corporation, said membership fee, until otherwise determined, to be a uniform and nominal membership fee of iii1.00. . ARTICLE VII • The objects and purposes of the corporation shall be: 1. To operate and maintain a nonprofit, charitable, social agency, having as its primary purpose the building up of a normal family life in those homes where it has not previously existed or has broken down and to preserve it where a breakdown is threatened; to restore disadvantaged families and individual: 1111 "It.,, L( _ - • t t to self-support and a normal status through investigation, planning., consultation, supervision and any form of requisite help by way of relief, employment, medical care, education and the doing of any and all other things usually comprehended in the program of family and child welfare or case work agencies. 2. To undertake the care and management of minor children and to act as guardian for the person or estate of any such minor child or children pursuant to the appointment by a court of competent jurisdiction, in accordance with the provisions of the laws of this state, 3. To cooperate with any and,• all 'other recognized and responsible social agencies in the community, to the end of relieving and preventing unsocial or antisocial conditions in the community. Li.. To conduct a Travelerst Aid Division for the assistance of needy or distressed travelers. 5. The corporation shall have the right to acquire real and personal property by purchase, lease, gift, devise or other- wise and to the extent that may be convenient or necessary to and' for the accomplishment of any of its objects, to hold such property subject only to such restrictions and limitations as . may be imposed by law or by the terms of the gift or devise with the right to alienate, encumber or dispose of the same property or any part thereof. ARTICLE VIII The surplus funds of the corporation, including permanen maintenance funds and trust and endowment funds of the corporat .� -5- • requirement that in the case of the board a quorum must be present. The Board of Directors shall constitute and appoint such committees as may be deemed necessary to execute effectively its program and directions. Among others, there shall be an executive committee, consisting of the officers elected by the board and board members serving as chairmen of all committees. The executive committee shall exercise the powers and functions of the board in the interim of meetings of the board or in the absence of a quorum of the board or upon special call of the president, all action subject to approval of the board. A simple majority of the executive committee shall constitute a quorum. ARTICLE VI The membership of the corporation shall comprise any and all persons who shall evince their 'interest in the work and their desire to be members of the "Family and child Service of • Omaha" and who shall pay annually the membership fee fixed from time to time by the board of the corporation, said membership fee, until otherwise determined, to be a uniform and nominal membership fee of t1.00. ARTICLE VII The objects and purposes of the corporation shall be: 1. To operate and maintain a nonprofit, charitable, social agency, having as its primary purpose the building up of a normal family life in those homes where it has not previously existed or has broken down and to preserve it where a breakdown is threatened; to restore disadvantaged families and individuals 0352 -4- may be invested in any securities or property authorized to a trustee under the Statutes of this state as from time to time provided, except that they may be also. invested' in the shares _ of so-called investment trusts which have been in existence for at least fifteen years and for the last fifteen years in each year paid dividends on such shares at least annually, and provided further that up to 5O% :but not in excess thereof of such funds may be invested in permitted common stocks and investment trust shares combined. Such investments may be altered from time to time. ARTICLE IX All of the assets and property, real, personal and mixed, of every character and description, belonging to Family Service of Omaha or to which it is entitled and Child Welfare Association of Omaha or to which it may be entitled, shall pass to and vest in Family and Child Service of Omaha upon its legal organization, including. all endowments and securities. ARTICLE X The Articles of the corporation, as set forth herein, may be amended in the following manner: An amendment shall first be proposed and presented at either a regular meeting. of. the board or a special meeting called pursuant to the By-Laws and thereafter must be approved at either a subsequent regular or subsequent special meeting of the board and thereafter must be approved by a majority of the members present and voting at an annual meeting or at a special meeting called for that purpose '. '?Z,1 --6- • by the Board of Directors with notice to all members as provided in the By-Laws. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, . the undersigned have affixed their names as Directors on behalf of their respective boards, this Q-day of December, 1951, and have caused their respective corporate seals to be affixed. Members of the Board of Members of the Board of Child F Service of Om a- 7feAsSociation2ah! : ..i ',A A -*Alt ./ 0. / • (.? 0 t r\y il, ,2 � � 'j ^ ceJ d. '/ "/ ' i .:C Z/.•j :r�� "�� �, :• L / . Y - � , - ` . 7, r ---- -) 4----1( 12'...-?./.-----a.' ,:...c.. ....6 ,. ,....•:. 4 . hc. 2,..) : .., . ... ,42,-,----,T----- . • ,_,_,-,..,4,--- (/2,:,(; f/4.7, / ' .....‘„.„..., 727, e,._,,,6_ ___ . ( 0).5K-,,_4„,-....- -.7 ''''.20 -.Z.e.:__.N‹ . .. A, . . - _i_..... 1/4.ae,"". .te4"*".(--e---e415:Z Cr'r‘I‘ 111 \-64 . 11Y\ C--,;),,_,_,-(" 07,627,-,•,2-0,-(. -- ... • 0 -7- Vti( }& 1 -�..� 2d AQf S c04Ar\A • eAAA-2L'iK_Z. 7))/24 12%6% 71fb pghi . : L, Wv4 �. . W .� $931/1. 0 fr.\ 0350 -3- '- . • . CERTIFICATE 1 I, 227.4A1•f�-,4-, v /'r• .s1 , duly e le ct e d and qualified Secretary of Fakily Service of Omaha, hereby certify that the Agreement of Merger signed by the Directors • of Child Welfare Association of Omaha was duly adopted pursuant to section 21--1104, Revised statutes of Nebraska, 1943, by the affirmative. ballot vote 'of more than two-thirds of the total members of Family Service of Omaha, at its Annual Meeting on January 25D 19520 ..„. ..�,;•`..., Dated this 25th day of January, 19520 �! ` .Vi� fi •. -.4i . 1- •• i , , 221,,,,e,. 6,,,,ed47 ;z .14.41—e,a--- 4. rli:.`'` • may' .''.�'ii.•i LEA .".,",I"• •�''� e' �• 1 .•• 3 !• ,, ��.1,�011..q 1' ' %r'r. i,..: S e c r,gt ary'> r. . i / t• • . , 0", ic'? =•(SEA ,'' y.;i.� • "` I'' t: h. CE TIFICATE / , .,. •• I;• duly elected and .:qualified secre is., t' ICT-ilite ''-"'-oc3ation of Omaha,here.by = ; ! certify tha a Agreement of Merger signed by the Directors =.. of this Corporation, 'and the •'irectors of Family Service of .'' Omaha, was duly: adopted pursuant to section 21-11014., Hevissd t:• i'jeVs:wof., Nebraska; • 19la.3, by the affirmative ballot vote''of'• ;. c. ��li , :• f itwo=-thirds of the members of this Association, at its . 1 .1� {t�L.{���,t+t& t4,l:y called -and held on Janua 2 , 19520 ` '` ;, ° 0;:1t ` p:•:,,.; :z;Dated this 25th day of J ua , 1952y1 • i t / �' •.1 ''� •---„A,'a `� tretary ,`� i� . (SEAL) `�• FAMIL CE OF O ,� ,":`).''ii.V..011.41°�ti•-`• resident .;-; 'Corporate.16. -e.al) . ••, • I' '�% CHILD WELFARE ASSOCIATION OF • V . 1 •y �, • OMAHA, •, ,,,-, ....,., , ..';Z�� . By CC� f��,.e ��'. ltF . President •� s ( !, seal ) -.: ;,- 411 �Q' : ASKA) . . I,.• 1'.0 - SS DOGS .COl?Y ..{ i.i '" ' `'�-12-•y"�``Cln this 25th day of January, 1952, before the r • ‘,6xG-.' . . m i ; EFJ ( H ba • W n a itt �g :'• L-, r=J '7 En „ Cr) to *'''rZrA 1- ° . I 1. .. '.t. i! ;• ff' 01 0 t '.f - I • i'L LI ,L. . I L o o L co•:66 ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT TO THE REVISED ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF FAMILY SERVICES OF OMAHA-COUNCIL BLUFFS " ' 1. The name of the corporation is FAMILY SERVICES OF OMAHA-COUNCIL BLUFFS. • 2. The amendment to the Revised Articles of Incorporation of the corporation adopted is as follows: ARTICLE I: NAME The name of this corporation shall be FAMILY• SERVICE. 3. The corporation has no members. The amendment was • adopted at a meeting of the Board of Directors on November 28, 1978 . 4 . The amendment received the vote of a majority of the directors in office. FAMILY SERVICE BY �� �� -Z,47-4-1 Its President 4 BY . 0ts Secre7ry 1'O, .E FILED WITH THE SECRETARY -OF STATE I 1-ja-7.� ---- ' BAIR.D HOLM McEACHEN ' • iii" ' .PEDERSEN,'HAMANN . ?. THE DAILY RECORD NCy-� .;r�,td�HAGCiAFtT�;:'�:,itY'+'� ',Ta Attorneys. .. ..•s.r;` OF OMAHA . • :'"-`- 1500 Woodmen Tower "' � ;}NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TS'%;�-3'L A. H. HENNINCSEN, Publisher THE REVISED ARTICLES OF "`"' 4-.INCORPORATION OF FAMILY, . PROOF OF PUBLICATION cr. " ' SERVICES OF'. -•''i'0f,it; ''• OMAHA•COUNCIL BLUFFS' ' I3 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 'NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thati THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, ;.:Family*:,Services of Omaha-Councll l i r.Bluffs,-a non.profit corporation,'t> DISTRICT OF NEBRASKA, SS. • . . - organized and existing under the laws... COUNTY of DOUCLAS, - !.;Of the State of Nebraska has amended is 'CITY of OMAHA, i;its Articles of Incorporation to provide i.:that the name of the corporation sha .. • • JOHN P. EG I,SAE R }•be FA�ir► SERVICE _•.�,:.:.�... - ;:.•_,.-j-4 FAMILY SERVICE:• being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is t: `•`•"' By/s/THOMAS G.REILLY, w1.17-3t :s; ;: - ItsPresidenO. ADVERTISING MANAGER of THE D.4ILY RECORD, of Omaha, a legal newspaper, printed and published daily in the English language, having a bona fide paid circula- lion in Douglas County in excess of 300 copies,printed in Omaha, in said 1 County of Douglas, for more than fifty-two weeks last past: that the • printed notice hereto attached was published in THE DAILY RECORD, • of Omaha,for 3 consecutive weeks, on the same day of each • week, beginning on January 17, 1979 • and ending on Febxuary.. .7. ,.... ?IcsaviED That said Newspaper during that time was regularly published and • in general circulation in the County of Douglas, and State of Nebraska. FEB 14197g _ ci ::'`Publisher's Fee $ 25...1.:7:. . .,•, erg•�� .. '� `) . •• :/..d Jitional Copies iS.S bseribed in my presenceen`_and sworn to :tE:1.1C;Eo.TRAAIY10Z. STATE Total _ t25.14be/ore mt this 7 day o/ D1lISI0N :' :.�;, . February ..7...9.... • / i ry l C in G lot/Douglas County, /�/� �;�"�: ;:^� State or-Nebraska y • • FORK 6-76 NONPROFIT • CHANGE OF REGISTERED AGENT AND/OR REGISTERED OFFICE (Submit in Duplicate) • • TO: ALLEN J. BEERMANN, Secretary of State,Lincoln, Nebraska 68509 - The following corporation, pursuant to the laws of the State of Nebraska, does hereby wish to change its Registered Agent and/or Registered Office in the State of Nebraska. FAMILY SERVICE Before Change: LESLIE W NUMMILA 0206369 2240 LANDON COURT Registered Agent:... OMAHA NE 68102 Registered Office:.. The following change of registered office, registered agent, or both, were authorized by a esolution duly adopted by the board of directors on the 9th day of January 1984 - I The registered office of this corporation in Nebraska shall be 22140 Landon Court Street Address• Omaha Douglas 68102 Nebraska and the registered agent City County. Zip Code at such address shall be Fred Willis Name of Repinered Agent • *Address shall be complete, using full street address. A box number is acceptable only In those cases where street tdc'_ssses are not available. Such statement shall be executed by the corporation by its p nt vi r d nt— Dated January 9t 1984 President:.. or Vice President:..._ If the Secretary of State finds that such statement conforms to the JAN 3 1984 �/ provisions of sections 21-1901 to 21-1991, he shall file suchstatem ,iT,'�TE OF N B-' yip SS of the r nt registered office, aor the appointment ch il ing hofe ca new re in his office, hange gistered ETARY'S OFFICEf ed ���' Received a a rue awl for record .--- agent, or both,as th; case may be, shall become effective. , 5`f` �] fie• Filing Fee:S8.00 • t�• Secretary of • g g .60 P • 1 nr) O • NONPROFIT CHANGE OF REGISTERED AGENT AND/OR REGISTERED OFFICE (Submit in Duplicate) . TO: ALLEN J. BEERMANN, Secretary of State, Lincoln, Nebraska 68509 The following corporation, pursuant to the laws of the State of Nebraska, does hereby wish to change its Registered Agent and/or Registered Office in the State of Nebraska. FAMILY SERVICE Name of Corporation Before Change: • FAMILY SERVICE • Registered Agent:FRED hl ILL I S U2063 69 • 2240 LANDON COLRT Registered Offices .._..Nebraska. .... • Zip Cod. OMAHA NE 68102 • The following change of registered office, registered agent, or both, were authorized by a resolution duly adopted by the b,ard-of-directors on the 8th day of February 19 88 Executive Committee of the Bard of Directors The registered office of this corporation in Nebraska shall be 2240 Landon Court • Street Address* Omaha Dougl as Nebraska 68102 and the registered agent City County Zip Code at such address shall be F. Pet2r Tul ipana , Executive Director Name of Registered Agent *Address shall be complete, using full street address. A box number is acceptable only in those cases where street addresses are not available. 1 • I Such statement shall be executed by the corporation by ' president or vice president: Dated February 8, 1988 President: 114g)1V LQ'V Pt:' . • or Vice President: If the Secretary of State rinds that such statement conforms to the FEB 1 1 f provisions of sections 21-1901 to 21-1991, he shall file such ,-., „ , ^^ g�r�� statement in his office, and upon such filingthe change of address `"' ' '' ' ",•li�t�lol�,1 P 9 CC:;,i;::'r,wi`S OFi iCE �., of the registered office, or the appointment of a new registered agent, or both,as the case may be, shall become effective. k��c: '.ed and 11 lccl fog rt:nord and :coo ed on file rc115:• nage5$f Filing Fee:S8.00 Dn tL1�' By Secretary of State � /94 a$� STA'1• �R I:occivc.1.tm1 filed 1.7* ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT .e 1 -- y;,.�-.;;.�j nr f; :n roA TO THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION _ >S•L_Lr/ ��.�;;II OF , , �� �'�..� 7 • • FAMILY SERVICE s- TO THE SECRETARY OF STATE OF THE STATE OF NEBRASKA: •-7('a5 46! . D Pursuant to the provisions of Sections 21-1932, et seq. , of the Nebraska Nonprofit Corporation Act, the undersigned corporation adopts the following Articles of Amendment to its Articles of Incorporation, said Articles of .Amendment to become effective March 28, 1989. I . The name of the corporation is FAMILY SERVICE. II . Art47,1e VII of the Articles of Incorporation of the corporation is hereby deleted in its entirety and in lieu thereof the following is substituted: "ARTICLE VII . MANAGEMENT - BOARD OF DIRECTORS The affairs of the Corporation shall be conducted by a Board of Directors, which shall have and shall exercise all of the powers of the Corporation. The Board of Directors shall consist of not more than • twenty (20) members nor less than ten ( 10) members, approximately one-third ( 1/3) of whom shall be elected in each year for a term of three (3 ) years by a majority of the Directors in office. No individual shall be elected a member of the Board of Directors for more than two (2 ) full consecutive terms, but any individual having served two (2) consecutive terms shall be eligible for re-election after an interval of one ( 1 ) year. Vacancies on the Board of Directors may be filled for the unexpired term by vote of a majority of the remaining Directors and any Director who is elected to fill an unexpired term of a Board Member shall be eligible for two (2 ) full terms following the completion of the unexpired term. The Officers of the Corporation shall be elected ann•ia11y by the Board of Directors from among its • members in the manner provided in the Bylaws of the Corporation. The Officers shall include a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, and such other Officers as may, from time to time, be provided for in the Bylaws. " III . The Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation of the corporation set forth in II above was adopted by the Board of Directors of the corporation at a regularly scheduled meeting which took place on. November' 29, 1988. The effective date of the Amendment shall be March 28, 1989. IV. A majority of the directors voted in favor of this Amendment. There are no members of the Corporation having voting rights. • IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the President and Secretary of the corporation, hereunder duly authorized have, executed these Articles of Amendment this _.1 t` day of November, 1988. ZUtin) President �-/ Se ��l1lft . cretary 2 () ? . tie Bad lartarb • `--iia r • ,. •,:ti t4,WI- OF OM A H A --; . ';."=rI.,r::.; %' RONALD A.RENNINOSEN,Publisher It ;►�.• .. • ` `'-'» PROOF OF PUBLICATION "Of So. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 'wrpK»w,si hwts New • 'The Stu*of Nebraska, •oasided b!# • District et Nebraska. eN" 111011013111115114trior kissN City cd Omaha. • Mr JOHN P. EOLSAER '-ek Debi duty sworn.deposes and ys that he is , '''1-fx, `� tr"racs ADVERTISING MANAGER -.`•i-4.=1.-. '�1 tAtiliA NM '• of THE DAILY RECORD,of Omaha.a legal i' `1''`.:•:VvIe d'.'"''"•:•- s�1wr. published dailyto the English language, newspaper,printed and ••l•t!-i! ,a+ua v?7.:flart t•r.•.: .•.: 6i having a bona fide paid �•• •:�:i)•c-'�t. , --- ,= •: circulation in Douglas County In excess of S00 copies, printed in Omaha,in aid County of Douglas,for more than fitty.two weeks last past; that the printed notice hereto attached was published in THE DAILY RECORD.of Omaha,for....3 consecutive weeks, on the same day of each week, beginning on April 12, 19 89 and ending on .. MaY 3 t 19 89 That saidi'ew•�a+► erduring that time was regularly published and in general.'c[rc�Watloii• In. the-County of Douglas, and State of ' jj� (j Nebraska.' ! p tJ �� ?'C ii t�+�t ,er: ,� 40.78,•, (� , (�, Additional CDpirs Subidiibed to tray of i**and sworn to C y MAY 5 1989 i . . , tr., Wore Me W! 3rd day ot iN,ta3. ...:.:;. .Mayfir. 89 • SECRETARY OF STATE t ' ' :� ,`�� t Notary Public to and for Dot • State of Nebraska . A Afr gq- 9 • . OF • TIE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION • FAMILY AND CHILD SERVICE OF OMAHA (OLD NAME) FAMILY SERVICE OF OMAHA - COUNCIL BLUFFS .(NEW NAME) The Undersigned, being the President of Family and Child Service of Omaha, hereby certifies that at a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Corporation held on February 23 , 1973 , the following Revised Articles of _i;_orp a lon of tha Corporation were adopted by a majority of the Directors in office, changing the name of the Corporation to Family Service of Omaha - Council Bluffs and revising the Articles of Incorporation of the Corporation to supersede the existing Articles of Incorporation and all previous . amendments thereto in their entirety; that due notice of the meeting was given as required by Law and the Articles and By-Laws of the Corporation; and that prior to adoption of the Revised Articles of Incorporation of the Corporation, the Directors determined that there were not then any qualified members of the corporation with voting rights. Dated �`' 1973 . PRESIDENT ATTEST: SECRETARY • • P.`_._I _�,:�•�� ` _. ..• _._. -7:::.^C?A"I•_-tJ. • FAMILY AND CHILD SERVICE OF OMAHA (OLD NAME) FAMILY SERVICE OF OMAHA - COUNCIL BLUFFS (NEW NAME) • aT_'Ct The name o= the Cc•r per at i'Jr. is FAMILY MILL SERVICE OF OMAHA - COUNCIL BLUFFS. • PT:CLE II . • The Corporation shall have perpetual e::i.stence. j'R • :cLE III. PURPOSES • The purposo for which this Corporation is organized is to contribute to harmbn.ious family interrelationships., to strengthen the positive values in. faMily life , and to promote healthy personality development and satisfactory social functioning of various family members by: a. Making available to any individual or family the services of trained social case workers to • furnish processional counsel or other appropriate assistance including investigation, planning, con- sultation, supervision and any form of requisite aid by way of relief, employment, medical care, • • ' education• and the doing-of any and all other things . . usually comprehended in a .program of family and child welfare agencies. . . • • b. Providing leadership, cooperation and partici- • pation with any and all recognized and responsible • social a4encies in community planning for the establish • - • • ment and improvement of (1) those social conditions f?:;nnnt.ita to wholes family. lift? and ;2) the multioli- . city of services 'Families require for adequate social functioning. • • • c. C6nduic tip►, L ��:_._i���l act.. s r in 1.' the interest of disseir:inati7:g k ncwledg human relationships and social adjustment. d. Contributing to professional education through providing field work training for students • in accredited schools c` social work to:e?rd the end of increasing the suupp).y of traira in the field of social w:.rk . e. Engaging in research in con'uctir; for the purpose of (1) evaluating and testing methods and technicues of practic and admini- stration and (2) examining services. in relation to existing needs and oche_ commUn it,r re c -roes . • f. Acting as cocrdi.natcr of various welj!ars and charitable services and service centers to • iac:ilitate making ,telfere and .. s_vices available to persons who are in need tech g. Engaging in other charitable activities which are permitted under the .Nebraska Non-Profit Corpo- ration Act. • 'A:?'TICLE IV. POWERS This Corporation shall have and shall exercise all powers and rights conferred upon corporations organized and existing under the Nebraska Non-Profit Corporation Act and any additional powers and rights conferred upon such corporations by subsequent legislative' acts. Notwithstanding any other provision of these Articles , the Corporation shall not conduct or carry on any activities not permitted to be conducted or carried on by an organization which is exempt under Section 501 (c) (3) , or by an organization contribu- tions to which are deductible under Section 170 (c) (2) of the Internal • Revenue Code. • ARTICLE V. PROHIBITION OF PRIVATE BENEFIT; •LIMITATION OF ACTIVITIES This not-for-profit Corporation shall have no capital stock and shall not declare or pay dividends . No part of the net -2 • - • earnings of this Corporati!7:n to c_ any Trustee, Director,. ( .Efi::er, f.):�'.er individual , Cr to the benefit of any organization :tot :I alifled r tax exemption • under Section 501 (c) (3) , or contributions to which are not • deductible under Section 170 (c) (2) , of the Internal Revenue Code, provided, that the Corporation may pay reasonable compensation for services actually rendered to or for the Corporation. • The Corporation shall not participate in, ._ intervene in (including the publishing, or distributing of statements) , any political campaign on behalf cf any candidate for public office; and the carrying on of propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation shall not be a substantial part of the activities of the Corporation. ARTICLE VI . REGISTERED OFFICE; REGISTERED AGENT The initial registered office c_ the Corporation shall be 2240 Landon Court, Omaha, Nebraska, 63102 . The registered agent at such address shall be Leslie W. Nummela. ARTICLE VII. MANAGEMENT - BOARD OF DIRECTORS The 'affairs of the Corporation shall be conducted by a Board of Directors , which shall have and shall exercise all of the powers of the Corporation. The Board of Directors shall con- sist of not more than thirty (30) members nor less than twenty (20) members, approximately one-third (1/3) of whom shall be elected in each year for a term of three (3) years by a majority of the . Directors in office. No individual shall be elected a member of the Board of Directors for more than two (2) full consecutive terms , but any individual having served two (2) consecutive terms shall be • eligible for re-election after an interval of one (1) year. Vacancies on the Board of Directors may be filled for the unexpired term by vote of a majority of the remaining Directors and any Director who is elected to fill an unexpired term of a Board Member . shall be eligible for two (2) full terms following the completion of the unexpired term. The Officers of 'the Corporation shall be elected annually by the Board of Directors from .among its members in ua the mann _ provided in the By-Laws of the Corporation. The Officers shall include a President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, V Secretary and Treasurer, and such other Officers as may, from time to 'time, be provided for in the By-Laws. • • The Corporation may be dissolved in the manner provided by Law. Upon dissolution or any winding up of the affairs of the • Corporation, the assets of the Corporation, after satisfaction and discharge of all liabilities and obligations of t;':e Corporation or provision for the same, shall bt distributed ex:l ,vely to organi- • • . zations which then qualify ror -a., exemption under the provisions of Section. 501 (c) (3) , contributions to which are deductible under Section 170 (c) (2) , of the Internal Revenue Code. ARTICLE IX. • REFERENCES • • All r=._ferences in these Revised Articles of Incorporation to the Internal Revenue Cods refer :y the i.:ternal Revenue Code of 1954 , of the United States of -.me:71ce. and the reg",la•tions pertaining •thereto, and references to scecific sections thereof are references to such sections as they may be revised in the future, or as they may be replaced by corresponding provisions of any subsequent :Internal Revenue Code of the United States of America. ARTICLE X. NONPROFIT CORPORATION ACT This Corporation intends to become and is organized under the Nebraska Nonprofit Corporation Act, 1943 R.R.S. Sections 21-1901 to 19,109 , together with all amendments or revisions thereof. ARTICLE XI. • SUPERSESSION • These Revised Articles of Incorporation, upon their filing and recording in the Office of the Secretary of State in the State of Nebraska, shall supersede the original Articles of - Incorporation. of the Corporation and all amendments and previous revisions thereof. (President) ATTEST: 1� J9A efeAC CSecratar ' -4- t way l R I• l FILE COPY CLERKrr JAN I R•PIdd)Es! OP AMENDMENT TO THE REVISED ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF FAMILY SERVICES OF OMAHA-COUNCIL BLUFFS 1 • • 1. The name of the corporation is FAMILY SERVICES OF • OMAHA-COUNCIL BLUFFS. • 2 . The amendment to the Revised .Articles of Incorporation of the corporation adopted is as .follows: ARTICLE I : NAME The name of this corporation shall be FAMILY • • SERVICE. 3. The corporation has no members. The amendment was adopted at a meeting of the Board of Directors on November 28 , 1978 . 4 . The amendment received the vote of a majority of the directors in office. . FAMILY SERVICE • By Its President • B -• , its ecr ary • • .I,1,. 1 la 1979 • • • . .at• . •1 Am- • , 410 � �. )0PC7 1' 1 ca: . c Cfi1;;:,c^:'71 pC'JCI:TY,NFunSK4�U,.19 W�UE, d.SPELLh�AH.CUUNiYCIEHK �� ' /4 21 . p� _ _ MAN 2 U 1989 + .. • BOOB-3ALZI n'.o?..�.�. J lH�_~. vi t`i _.:1: .. :2;:n 374 sY `i ! i r" ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT ----- �_.;;;;� TO THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION � !. • OF FAMILY SERVICE -,"_ 10 5 , 00 TO THE SECRETARY OF STATE OF THE STATE OF NEBRASKA: Pursuant to the provisions of Sections 21-1932, et seq. , of the Nebraska Nonprofit Corporation Act, the undersigned corporation adopts the following Articles of Amendment to its Articles of Incorporation, said Articles of Amendment to become effective March 28, 1989 . I . The name of the corporation is FAMILY SERVICE. II . Article VII of the Articles of Incorporation of the corporation is hereby deleted in its entirety and in lieu thereof the following is substituted: "ARTICLE VII . • MANAGEMENT - BOARD OF DIRECTORS The affairs of the Corporation shall be conducted by a Board of Directors, which shall have and shall exercise all of the powers of the Corporation. The Board of Directors shall consist of not more than twenty (20) members nor less than ten (10) members, approximately one-third (1/3 ) of whom shall be elected in each year for a term of three (3) years by a majority of the Directors in office. No individual shall be elected a member of the Board of Directors for more than two (2) full consecutive terms, but any individual having served two (2) consecutive terms shall be eligible for re-election after an interval of one ( 1) year. Vacancies on the Board of Directors may be filled for the unexpired term by vote of a majority of the remaining Directors and any Director who is elected to fill an unexpired term of a Board Member shall be eligible for two (2) full terms following the completion of the unexpired term. . . . . noodig/ pAGE,Y.ifSe- The Officers of the Corporation shall be elected ann•ially by the Board of Directors from among its members in the manner provided in the Bylaws of the Corporation. The Officers shall include a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, and such other Officers as may, from time to time, be provided for in the Bylaws. " III . The Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation of the corporation set forth in II above was adopted by the Board of Directors of the corporation at a regularly scheduled meeting which took place on November 29, 1988. The effective date of the Amendment shall be March 28, 1989. IV. A majority of the directors voted in favor of this Amendment. There are no members of the Corporation having voting rights. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the President and Secretary of the corporation, hereunder duly authorized have executed these rA Articles of Amendment this 9-day of November, 1988. President Secretary 2 I r� • At• , iseceipt B00K_PAGEr - SI;A ) SS SECRL i AkY'S OFFFFICE iled and recorded on film roll r � ��•ARTICLES OF AMENDMENT ?/-/3'tO THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION i9 � N.O tin I i Sj `91 O FAMILY SERVICE = l - i of Ste, TO THE SECRETARY OF STATE OF THE STATE OF NEBRASKA: Pursuant to the provisions of Sections 21-1932, et. seq. , of the Nebraska Nonprofit Corporation Act, the undersigned corporation adopts the following Articles of Amendment to its Articles of Incorporation. I . The name of the corporation is FAMILY SERVICE. II Article VII of the Articles of Incorporation of the corporation is amended to read, in its entirety, as follows: "ARTICLE VII . • MANAGEMENT - BOARD OF DIRECTORS The affairs of the Corporation shall be conducted by a Board of Directors, which shall have and shall exercise all of the powers of the Corporation. The Board of Directors shall consist of not more than twenty-five (25) members nor less than ten (10) mem- bers, approximately one-third .(1/3 ) of whom shall be elected in each year for a term of three (3 ) years by a majority of the Directors in office. No individual shall be elected a member of the Board of Directors for more than two (2) full consecutive terms, but any individual having served two (2 ) consecutive terms shall be eligible for reelection after an interval of one ( 1 ) year. Vacancies on the Board of Directors may be filled for the unexpired term by vote of a majority of the remaining Directors and any Director who is elected to fill an unexpired term of a Board Member shall be eligible for two (2 ) full terms following the completion of the unexpired term. The Officers of the Corporation shall be elected by 4. the Board of Directors from among its members in the RECORDED 1: manner provided in the Bylaws of the Corporation. Thee P.3 Officers shall include a President, Vice President,• BOOK.-I tt Pa 0 E45,5? Secretary, and Treasurer, and such other Officers as • may, from time to time, be provided for in the Bylaws. " III . The Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation of the corporation set forth in II above was adopted by the Board of Directors of the corporation at a regularly scheduled meeting which took place on June 25, 1991 . IV. A majority of the Directors in office voted in favor of this Amendment. There are no members of the Corporation having voting rights. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the President and Secretary of the corporation, hereunder duly authorized have executed these Articles of Amendment this a7 day of June, 1991 . Presiders Val iga% i Secretary 2 • ' n STATE OF NEBRASKA • 7 SECRETARY'S OFFICE B0�K •"1 �';.?E��•` Received and filed£orreco 3; and recorded oa fUm roll No JLIN 7 don r 34ARTICLES OF q�-gyp t , MENT TO THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION I.C�C�;Ki st page OF Secretor?of St Ate FAMILY SERVICE By7,� ,//,e, TO THE SECRETARY OF STATE OF THE STATE OF NEBRASKA: Pursuant to the provisions of Sections 21-1932 , et sea. , of the Nebraska Nonprofit Corporation Act, the undersigned corporation adopts the following Articles of Amendment to its Articles of Incorporation. I . The name of the corporation is FAMILY SERVICE. II . Article VII of the Articles of Incorporation of the corporation is amended to read, in its entirety, as follows : "ARTICLE VII . MANAGEMENT - BOARD OF DIRECTORS The affairs of the Corporation shall be conducted by a Board of Directors, which shall have and shall exercise all of the powers of the Corporation. The Board of Directors shall consist of not more than thirty (30) regular members nor less than ten (10) regular members, approximately one-third (1/3) of whom shall be elected in each year for a term of three (3) years by a majority of the Directors present and voting at a duly constituted meeting. No individual shall he elected a member of the Board of Directors for more than two (2) full consecutive terms, but any individual having been elected and served two (2) consecutive terms shall be eligible for re- election after an interval of one (1) year. Vacancies on the Board of Directors may be filled by the Board for the unexpired term and any Director who is elected to fill an unexpired term of a Director shall be eligible for two (2) full terms following the completion of the unexpired term. In addition to the regular members of the Board, the President of Family Service Friends shall, during the term of such office, be an ex-officio voting member of the Corporation' s. Board of Directors . The Officers of the Corporation shall be elected by the Board of Directors from among its members in the ,O . L f V manner provided in the Bylaws of the Corporation. The officers shall include a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, and such other officers as may., from time to time, be provided for in the Bylaws . ' III . The Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation of the corporation set forth in paragraph II above was adopted by the Board of Directors of the corporation at a regularly scheduled and duly constituted meeting which took place on May 24 , 1994 . Iv. A majority of the Directors in office voted in favor of this Amendment . There are no members of the Corporation having voting rights . ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the President and Secretary of the corporation, hereunder duly authorized, have executed these Articles of Amendment this 2,7'/ day of 'y, 1994 . / President ;" • Secretary 82438.214 • 2 • O. - • • • ARTICLES AND AGREpMENT OF CONSOLIDATION AND MERGER OF FAMILY SERVICE OF OMAHA AND CHILD WELFARE ASSOCIATION OF OMAHA • KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That, we, the undersigned, all residents of Omaha, . Douglas County, Nebraska, and constituting a majority of each of the respective Boards of Directors and Trustees of Family Service of Omaha and Child Welfare Association of Omaha, for the purpose of merging said corporations into a single corporation to be known as FAMILY AND CHILD SERVICE OF OMAHA and pursuant to the Statutes. of the State of Nebraska, hereby enter into the following agreement and articles: • ARTICLE I The name of said merged and consolidated corporation shall be "FAMILY AND CHILD SERVICE OF OMAHA", and its principal Omaha Loan & Bldg. Assn. Bldg. , place of business shall be in/Omaha, Nebraska. ARTICLE II The duration of the corporation shall be until the 31st day of December, 1999 unless sooner terminated or extended by action of its members; its resident agent, Curtis Coe, same address. • ARTICLE III The affairs of said corporation shall be managed and . conducted by a Board of Trustees to be known as Directors. The term of office for board members shall be three years, with eligibility for re-election for a second term of three years, FAMILY SERVICE Peter Tulipana,Executive Director (402)552-7402/FAX:(402)553-3133 e-mail- tulipana@familyserviceomaha.org 1999/2000 BOARD OF DIRECTORS BOARD MEMBER PHONE/FAX/e-MAIL ADDRESS Alvine,Douglas 346-7007 Alvine &Associates Treasurer FAX: 346-9576 1102 Douglas 68102 Home:558-8553 Bass,Deborah 346-1049 President FAX: 346-6454 Bass &Associates dbass@bass-inc.com 2027 Dodge St. 68102 Bateman, Joseph 271-3878 Assistant Vice President FAX: 271-6515 Government Affairs Union Pacific Railroad 1416 Dodge-Room 801 68179 Bunger,Joyce 280-2029 Creighton University FAX: 280-2045 College of Nursing 68178 jbunger@creighton.edu Christiansen,H. Craig 444-1802 Deloitte &Touche FAX: 346-0711 2000 First National Center 68102 Cooper,Joyce 348-1700 Managing Director FAX:342-9499 INROADS/Greater Omaha,Inc. jcooper@inroadsinc.org 2223 Dodge 10th Floor 68102 D'Agosto,Alan 333-0203 President FAX: 333-3260 Panda,Inc. Home:333-0218 399 North 117 Street 68154 Eccker,Randy 697-5171 Managing Director off 445-4514 cell 598-4514 EBCO Capital,LLC FAX: 697-5196 1659 So. 152 St. 68144 eccker@AOL.corn Fitzgerald,Tate Office: 390-5144 Vice President FAX:390-2840 Commercial Federal Bank Home: 333-4521 2120 So. 72 St. 68124 WilliamFitzgerald@CommercialFed.com Ganey,Barb 498-3587 14117 Parker Street 68154 Office:330-3400 Gomez,Dan 697-5942 Executive Vice President FAX: 697-8887 Pinnacle Bank 13131 W. Dodge Rd. 68154 Hill,Bryan R. Office:399-9111 President EXT. 251 Securities America,Inc. FAX: 343-0502 7100 West Center Road 68106 bhill@saionline.com Hoesing,Pam 398-1202 1337 So. 101 St. #308 68124 Work: 354-6480 Jones,Jeanie 633-7691 3416 No. 124 Ave. 68164 FAX: 633-7693 Home: 445-9830 • Kizer,Kathy 496-1557 1315 No. 129 Circle f.68°,54 \ Knuth,Brad 397-5777 Vice President • Vice President FAX: 392-8335 Kirkpatrick, Pettis 10250 Regency Parkway 68114 Kolb,Fredda 731-5963 5002 Robin Dr. 68157 Lacey,Margaret 431-1741 3234 No. 159 Street 68116 lacey@prodigy.net Marshall, Fran 633-3801 Senior Vice President 1st National Bank of Omaha 16th &Dodge 68102 Masters,Sara 536-2209 Senior Vice President Secretary FAX: 536-2242 Human Resources Sara.M.Masters@Norwest.com Norwest Bank P.O.Box 3408 68103 Mercier,Lorraine 554-0186 6721 Davenport 68132 Nelson,Diane Home: 397-7841 9738 Fieldcrest Dr. 68114 FAX: 397-2491 Prauner,Mark 351-5097 Vice President Past President FAX: 351-3823 Corporate Accounting mark.prauner@mutualofomaha.com Mutual of Omaha Mutual of Omaha Plaza 68175 Prewitt,Karen 331-2462 Director of Telemarketing Svcs FAX: 596-2465 Oriental Trading Co. 4206 South 108th Street 68137 Reed,Rob 633-1000 Vice President Sales Support FAX: 633-1096 Physicians Mutual Health&Life robreed@radiks.net 2600 Dodge 68102 Reiser,Mary Lynn 554-2357 Program Coordinator President FAX: 554-3747 UNO Center for Economic reiser@unomaha.edu Education University of Nebraska 68182 Rheinheimer,Ron 758-3346 Vice President FAX: 758-3610 Inacom Corporation rrheinheime@inacom.com 10810 Farnam St. 68154 Timmerman,Jayne 331-0209 President, Friends of Family Service Guild 1303 Phoenix Ave. Papillion,NE 68046 Whitson,Tom 322-9862 Chairman, President&CEO FAX: 328-2911 Peoples National Bank TomW@peoplesnb.com 201 Bennett Ave. P. O.Box 557 Council Bluffs,IA 51502 Williams,Ed 636-3058 Manager e/williams.com OPPD 444 So. 16 Street 68102 LEGAL ADVISOR: (Invited to Board and Executive Committee Meetings;Attends as appropriate) Breuning,Jonathan 636-8214 Attorney At Law FAX: 344-0588 1500 Woodmen Tower 68102 CORPORATE RESOLUTION WITH BOARD SECRETARY CERTIFYING AUTHENTICITY OF RESOLUTION. FAMILY SERVICE A CORPORATE RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Corporation was held on May 27. 1997. Acting with the full authority of the Board of Directors, it was RESOLVED by the Board of Directors that the corporation enter into a contractual agreement with the City of Omaha to accept the Continuum of Care - Supportive Housing Program Funding, in the amount of$910,810, for the purpose of constructing Transitional Housing and providing support services, located at Council Bluffs, Iowa. IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that Peter Tulipana , Executive Director of Family Service , Incorporated is authorized to execute such documents as are necessary to enter into the aforementioned agreement and execute subsequent grant documents and covenants. I attest that the above is a true and accurate account of the Resolution approved by Family Service , Incorporated, a Nebraska nonprofit corporation on May 27. 1997. DATED this 27th May . 1997. ma' Mark Pr u er, resident Attest: Sara asters, Secretary y�� F xlmbik' C- Section A. Project Narrative 1. The project purpose: Family Service proposes to provide mental health and substance abuse diagnostic assessments and therapeutic treatment for homeless persons who are mentally ill and/or addicted to alcohol or other substances, filling a serious gap in the Omaha Area Continuum of Care for the Homeless (OACCH). Participants would be referred to Family Service by Community Alliance, a continuum agency providing mobile service which identifies the mentally ill and assists them in finding shelter and services. Two full-time licensed clinical social workers would be available for diagnostic assessment and therapeutic treatment at the designated emergency shelters and/or transitional housing facilities, as well as at Family Service locations. The assessment will include a mental health exam, substance abuse/dependency screening and will conclude with a diagnostic impression for treatment. In addition, the clinical social worker will be available to implement therapeutic treatment. Family Service believes in making its services readily accessible to all families in need of them, thus this proposed service would serve the participants without the participants needing to overcome the obstacle of transportation. Community gap to be filled: A large number of homeless persons have alcohol and drug problems coupled with a mental health diagnosis. The Omaha Area Continuum of Care for the Homeless (OACCH) has identified the lack of adequate resources for this sub-population as a service gap. The number of mentally ill/alcohol and drug dependent participants is consistently high, and existing programs have limited resources for proper diagnosis and treatment of such individuals. Family Service proposes to narrow the community gap by providing easily accessible services at existing shelters or transitional housing facilities without diagnostic and treatment services. With increased accessibility to mental health and substance abuse assessment and treatment,the homeless have a greater chance of success when transitioning to more permanent housing. 2. Homeless population to be served: The homeless population targeted by this project live in emergency shelters and transitional living facilities. Within the homeless population of Omaha, estimated to be a sustained population of between 800 to 1000 individuals,there are an estimated 30%to 50% suffering from mental illness and 40%with chemical addictions. This sub- population of the homeless would,then, be estimated at between 240 and 500 individuals at any given time. Their proportion among the homeless is much higher than the general population, yet the timely diagnosis and intervention of those with either mental illness or chronic substance abuse problems is unlikely to be addressed in the custodial environment of the homeless shelter, meal site, or drop in center. The causes of this problem rest in the mental capabilities of those in need of help and in • the absence of on-site personnel capable of identifying and intervening in the area of persons suffering with mental health and substance abuse difficulties. The confused or delusional state of those in serious need make them incapable of negotiating the sometimes complex process of referral and intervention on their own behalf. Since it is not the mission of on site staff to provide these specialized degrees of service, the population most in need remains underserved and without linkage to those most capable of providing intervention. Aside from the personal impact on the individuals in this population,there is a consequent economic impact resulting from the lack of early intervention. The combined social costs of psychiatric and medical hospitalization, criminal activity and incarceration along with the lack of productivity and self-sustaining capability of this population are tremendous. The National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty estimates a national cost of$273 billion annually. In addition to factors discussed above, current barriers to delivery of mental health services to the homeless population may include: transportation, eligibility,hours of operation, cost, and awareness of services, all serving to discourage the target population from accessing available intervention and treatment. Scheduled on-site visits by professional mental health staff would overcome many of these barriers. Any person who meets the definition of a homeless individual and has an indication of a mental or substance disorder can be referred to this program. Community Alliance will provide a referral linkage with Family Service to provide professional on-site visits by' clinical social workers at area homeless centers for the purpose of better serving this target population. Emergency shelters and transitional living facilities will also be able to refer participants to this program. 3. The housing where participants will reside: Omaha area emergency shelters and transitional living facilities already in operation will provide housing for participants. (a.) Initially,the following facilities will be targeted for receiving the mental health and substance abuse services of this project: St. Vincent's Shelter, Lydia House, The Open Door Mission, and Safe Haven. Each facility varies in the style of construction, capacity and organization. Some structures house 80 to 150 individuals in large, dormitory-style rooms while other smaller structures house 7 units, with each unit occupied by a separate family. (b.)The facilities provide the participants with their most basic needs, which may include but are not limited to food,shelter,safety, and clothing. (c&d.) The various locations of the shelters will increase the accessibility of services to the community, including those persons with disabilities. All emergency shelters are accessible to persons with disabilities,and all but two are located within walking distance of public transportation and/or community amenities. (The two shelters located at some distance from public transportation,Open Door Mission and Lydia House, run their own bus service back and forth daily to the downtown Omaha area.). 411, v -t /04 • (e.) Resident safety at these shelters is provided by a range of precautions, from 24 hour staff at the men's shelters (Open Door Mission) to intercom-controlled, limited access structures with locks for each of the individual units (the women's shelters) to facilities whose location is kept confidential (the domestic violence shelters). (f.) As members of OACCH, all shelters are expected to attend monthly meetings where the opportunity to network with housing and support service providers aids them in their ongoing effort both to promote self-sufficiency and to secure permanent housing for participants. Family Service proposes to strengthen self-sufficiency by providing ongoing mental health and substance abuse treatment as part of the individualized plan to address housing needs for program participants. Participants will be helped to learn skills to manage their mental illness and/or substance abuse in order to be successful in accessing and maintaining permanent housing. 4. The supportive services the project participants will receive: Needs Assessment and Tracking: As noted, referrals for this program will come from Community Alliance, emergency shelters and transitional housing facilities in the community. All referral sources currently identify and track the service and housing needs of participants through the ANCHoR system within OACCH. Family Service will coordinate and implement ANCHoR for participants involved in this program. The supportive services Family Service proposes to provide will extend the outreach, referral, and case management of Community Alliance to include diagnostic assessment and therapeutic treatment of mental and substance disorders. Clinical Assessment: The need for mental health and substance abuse services for the homeless is well documented and viewed as a key component to maintaining stability and self-sufficiency. The proposed services will reach a segment of the homeless population that is currently underserved.With the staffing of two full-time licensed clinical social workers, Family Service will be able to conduct a comprehensive diagnostic assessment, including chemical dependency screening, and provide a diagnostic impression for therapeutic treatment for at least 200 participants each year. Although this will not meet the total need for mental health and substance abuse services, it will begin to fill the gap. Since clinicians will be able to serve participants at their current place of housing, whether an emergency shelter or transitional living facility,these services will be more accessible to the homeless. Clinical Treatment: Two licensed clinical social workers will each carry a caseload of twenty-five participants at any given time, providing therapeutic treatment for 200 clients each year. The clinicians would be available to provide individual,couples, group and family therapy. The mental health and substance abuse services provided by Family Service would adhere to the agency's philosophy of clinical delivery, which is defined as a systems approach integrated with a bio/psycho/social model. The combination of these two models of treatment and intervention assists Family Service in being practical about how to help people, and it allows for a client focus, using existing resources (family, friends, and community), and building on the constructive exceptions to problems. 7/,, Ib5 The professional staff hired for this program would be required to be credentialed, masters level, licensed clinical social workers cross-trained in mental health and addictions treatment. As a member of the professional counseling staff at Family Service, the clinical social workers for this program would have regular supervision which includes individual, group, and peer review, as well as monthly training. Linkage to Mental Health Services in the Community: A vital function of this program will be to maintain a treatment-focused linkage to mental health services in the community, such as addiction recovery groups. The clinical social worker will be able to coordinate the treatment plan with a psychiatrist, as well as coordinate chemical dependency services. The clinician will be vital to assuring a total continuity of care that is committed to increased stability and self-sufficiency of the participants. Accessibility to Services: The two full-time clinical social workers will be mobile and able to provide assessment and treatment on-site or in the Family service office locations. The accessibility of these services to the participants' housing is ideal, in that the clinical social worker will be able to serve the participants at their current place of housing, whether that be an emergency shelter or transitional living facility. 5. Whether the project is innovative: Not Applicable 6. The performance measures: The overall goal of this program is to improve the quality of life for the homeless suffering from mental and substance disorders in order to obtain and remain in permanent housing. The performance measures for this program are: • Eighty percent of clients will be able to demonstrate an increased awareness of the factors that contribute to the mental or substance disorder after four sessions of treatment; measured by the administration of a symptom checklist(pre, during,and post). • Eighty percent of clients will experience a decrease in problematic symptoms within the first 45 days of intervention;measured by the administration of a symptom checklist(pre, during, and post). • • Sixty percent of clients will demonstrate integrated awareness and problem solving skills after six months of treatment; measured by client self-report. "">>711 10l0 • The success of this program will require that information regarding service provision be organized and easily accessible so that clinical and management decisions, including continuous quality improvement and client outcome measures can be tracked and evaluated. Family Service has implemented a software package (ECHO)to manage information related to service delivery, clinical treatment planning, outcomes,and accounting. The clinical social workers in this program will have full access and the support of this software, and will be able to collect data to track the performance measures. Reports will be generated to the Clinical Director and District Regional Manager on a monthly basis, and quarterly reports will be submitted to the board of directors. This will be coordinated with the ANCHoR system. Section B. Experience Narrative Family Service is a nonprofit, nonsectarian social work agency founded in 1875,and accredited by the Council on Accreditation of Services for Families and Children,Inc. (COA). The mission of the agency is to strengthen the well-being of families in the community through education, counseling and support. The comprehensive programs at Family Service consider not only the individual,but also his or her relationship with the family, school, job, and community. Family Service helps individuals and families through the following major programs: • Professional Counseling • Child Care Provider Services • Addictions Treatment for Alcoholism,Drug Abuse and Compulsive Gambling • Emergency Services for the Low-Income • Parenting Classes and Seminars,Family Issue Presentations • Divorce and Remarriage Seminars, including a unique family divorce workshop • Corporate Benefits for Working Parents/Lunch`n Learn Seminars • Domestic Abuse Information,Intervention and Support/Safe Haven Shelter • Senior Center • Youth Crime Intervention • Child Welfare Services • Family Service serves all ages, from babies in child care to seniors in the senior center. Programs include emergency services, counseling and enrichment services to families of all income levels in the Omaha metro area. Eleven office/service locations are available to make it for convenient for clients to receive the help they need. { 1b7 Last year, Family Service provided services to nearly 19,000 persons in the Omaha metro • area. The leadership and support Family Service provides to the families,professionals and businesses of the metro area is woven into the fabric of the community. The future depends on strong families--and families grow stronger at Family Service. With the deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill,increased substance abuse, increased family violence, and a tightening economic market for the unskilled,more and more families are facing the threat of homelessness. As this need has been identified in the Omaha metro area, Family Service has responded by providing services and programs that meet the needs of homeless or near homeless individuals and families. In 1997 emergency services were provided to 1,322 individuals in the three county continuum of care area. These services included securing utilities, food, clothing, housing, health care, and emergency transportation. In the same year Family Service received 4,875 crisis calls in the domestic abuse program. In addition to assisting clients with intervention services, such as protection orders and medical emergencies,the Safe Haven Domestic Abuse program provides safe and secure housing for domestic abuse clients in the three county area. In response to the mental health and substance abuse needs of the community,Family Service provided professional counseling at five locations, serving 2,027 individuals,and 1,716 families. In addition to counseling, Family Service provided specialized treatment for chemical dependency to 961 individuals, and facilitated 550 groups related to chemical dependency.Family Service is very experienced in managing treatment of , clients with mental health and substance abuse issues. All professional staff are credentialed, masters level, licensed mental health professionals and/or certified alcohol and drug addiction counselors(CADAC). Family Service has a demonstrated ability to provide highly professional clinical services, community-based services, and to partner with other organizations to meet a community need. Family Service has also demonstrated a clear history of providing services to the homeless or near homeless populations. Family Service also has a proven track record of designing and delivering professional services and programs under contractual arrangements with various government and other public-supported agencies. 0 Y • to be served and the housing and services to be provided. HUD recognizes that goal attainment may be limited; therefore, it will not necessarily consider low levels of achievement as indications of poor • performance. The following are examples of performance measures as they relate to the three SHP goals: • - • 70% of participants will remain in permanent housing for at least one year. • 50% of project participants will be successful in obtaining employment within 18 months. • • 20% of the severely mentally ill participants in the Safe Haven will start to receive mental health treatment voluntarily within six months. If you are requesting SHP funds for acquisition and/or rehabilitation of a project structure(s),please attach a photograph of the structure(s). Section B. Experience Narrative Section B is a description of the experience of all the organizations involved in carrying out the proposed project. Please describe on preferably no more than three typed pages: 1. The specific type and length of experience of all organizations involved in implementing the proposed project, including the project sponsor, housing and supportive service organizations, and any key subcontractors. Describe experience directly related to carrying out the proposed project and experience working with homeless people. 2. If your project structure will be constructed or rehabilitated,please describe experience in these areas and/or experience in contracting for and overseeing the rehabilitation or construction of housing. 001 3. List any HUD McKinney grants received or participation in the Single Family Property Disposition (SFPD) Homeless Program,including the year(s)awarded, grant number,grant amount, and amounts spent to date. • Section C. Project Information (please type) Project Name: Project Priority No. Mental Health & Substance Abuse Treatment (from project priority chart In Exhibit 1): Project Address,l(¢treet, city, state,'zip): • 2101 S. 42nd St. , Omaha NE 68105 5 • - Project Congressional Project Sponsor's Name: District(s): .2„AxE Family Service of Greater Omaha • Sponsor's Address (street, city, state, & zip): Project 6-digit Geographic Code: 2101 S. 42nd St. , Omaha NE 68105 311.0S5 3tg1S3 _ . • Authorized Representative of Project Sponsor (name, title, phone number, & fax): 3t 2'.a$ • Pete Tulipana, Executive Director 114i35 402-553-3000 Fax 402-553-3133 1411341 • Page no: t 0 4 Section D. Program Component/Types 1. Please check one box: New Project • Renewal Project • 2. Please check the box that best classifies the project for which you are requesting funding. Check only one box. The components/types are: n Transitional Housing Permanent Housing for Persons with Disabilities x Supportive Services Only 7 Safe Havens n Innovative Supportive Housing (check this box only if your project cannot be classified under • any other component) Section E. Existing Facilities and/or Activities Serving Homeless Persons (To be completed for new projects only.) Facilities that you are currently operating and activities you are currently undertaking to serve homeless persons may only receive SHP funding for the five activities listed below. SHP cannot be used to fund on-going activities. Will your proposed project use an existing homeless facility or incorporate activities that you are currently doing? n Yes (Check one or more of the following activities that describe your proposed project.Then proceed to section F.) ki No (Skip to section F.) My project will: n Increase the number of homeless persons served. - Provide additional supportive services for residents of supportive housing and/or homeless persons not residing in supportive housing. Purchase property currently being leased under the Single Family Property Disposition Homeless Initiative. - ri Bring existing facilities up to a level that meets State and local government health and safety . standards. Replace the loss of nonrenewable funding from private,Federal, or other sources(except from the,State'or local government),which will cease on or before the end of the current calendar year. B.y.-law.no SHP funds may be used to replace State or local government funds previously used, or designated for use,to assist homeless persons[see 24 CH(583.150(a)]. If this box is checked,please describe: a. The source of the nonrenewable funding,indicating that it is not under the control of the State or local government. b. Why it is nonrenewable. c. When it will cease. d. What efforts were made to obtain other funding,why there are no other sources of funding, and why,without the SHP assistance,the activity will cease. Page no: 110 ( • - Section F. Number of Beds, Participants, and Supportive Services - Section F is composed of two charts. Chart 1 has two sections. Section 1 is for recording the number of beds/bedrooms in the project. Do not complete this section if the project is for supportive services only(SSO). Section 2 is for recording the number of participants to be served. Information on all projects should be entered in this section. Complete Chart 1 based on the following instructions. 1. In the first column,please enter the requested information for all items if your proposed project is currently serving homeless people. You should only fill out this column if you checked "Yes"in section E or you are proposing a renewal project. If your proposed project is a new effort(meaning you checked "No"in section E), enter"N/A"in the first column. 2. In the second column, enter the new number of beds and persons served if this project is funded. If this is a renewal project, skip this column. 3. In the third column,enter the projected level(columns 1 and 2 added together)that your project will . attain when it is fully operational and functioning at capacity. The figures you enter should be point in time numbers. You should fill out this column if you checked"Yes"or"No"in section E or you - are proposing a renewal project. 4. In the fourth column,enter the number of persons to be served over the grant term. You should fill out this column if you checked"Yes"or"No"in section E or you are proposing a renewal project. Chart 1:Beds and Participants r- New Effort No. Projected to Beds Current Level or Change Projected Level be Served over ' (It applicable) in Effort (col.1 +col.2) the grant term M. Number of bedrooms ' N A _ N Nu mber of beds ' 1A N * Do not complete information on the number of bedrooms and beds for Supportive Services Only (SSO) projects. In those instances, enter'N/A" in the appropriate cells. • New Effort No. Projected to Participants Current Level or Change I Projected Level be Served over • (if applicable) in Effort (cot.1 +col.2) the grant term • • Number of families with children • 0 0 0 0 Of persons in families with children 0 0 0 0 a. number of disabled adults _ b. number of other adults 0 0 0 0 c. number of children I 0 0 0 0 Of single individuals not in families a. number of disabled individuals 0 50 50 300 b. number of other individuals 0 0 0 0 4. _ Page no: t I' •�' ` Complete Chart 2 based on the following instructions. • .Identify the types of services that will be paid for using SHP funding. Include the total dollar request for each type of service and the number of persons who will be served at a point in time and over the grant term. This dollar request must be the same as in the Project Budget (section I or J, as appropriate). Chart 2:Supportive Services Estimated Estimated No.of Persons No.of Persons • Supportive Services Dollars Requested Served Served (up to 3 yrs.) (point in time) (up to 3 yrs.) • Outreach Case Management Life Skills (outside of case management) Alcohol and Drug Abuse Treatment 103,872 25 150 Mental Health Treatment 103,872 25 150 AIDS-Related Treatment Other Health Care Education • Employment Assistance • Child Care • Follow-up (transitional housing programs only) Other (please specify) Other Mileage, printing, records 14,882 ctc Other • Total 222,547 Section G. .Homeless Veterans 1. Are veterans the primary target population of your proposed project? nYes ENo 2. Are veterans among the homeless subpopulation(s)your project will specifically target and intends to serve? n Yes E. No Page no: 1 1 2. . • Project Budget If your project is a renewal,skip to section J. Enter the amount of SHP funds requested by line item in the first column. For leasing, supportive services,and operations,the amount entered should be for up to three years,which is the SHP grant term. You may request funding for either one,two,or three years. The term you select must be the same for leasing,supportive services,and operations. In the second column,enter the total cost for each line item, which is the SHP request plus all other funds needed to pay for each line item,again,for up to three years. Please indicate the term of the grant(circle only one) 1 2 3 year(s). If your project contains one structure or no structures,this is the only budget you need to fill out. If your project contains multiple structures,please add up the SHP structure budgets from the facing page and enter those totals below. HUD will review this chart in relation to the proposed activities and the number of persons to be served to determine whether the project is cost-effective (which is a threshold criterion). • SHP Request I Total Budget 1. Acquisition $ $ 2. Rehabilitation $ $ • 3. New Construction $ $ 4. Subtotal (lines 1 through 3) $ * $ 5. Real Property Leasing (up to three years) 6. Supportive Services (up to three years)• $ 222,547 $ 248,139 • 7. Operations (up to three years) $ *lc $ 22 ies47 2 547 -- - - - SHP Request est (subtotal lines $ 8. q through ) oline 8 11,127 've Costs (up to 5/ of $ 9 Ad ministrative inist rate 8and9 to lines $ 0 Tot al SH P Re quest uest (total 1 . q ( 233,674 * - The SHP request by law for these activities cannot be more than 50%of the total acquisition,rehabilitation,and • new construction budget. ** Operating costs are expenses incurred in operating supportive housing (not supportive service facilities),such as repair,maintenance,security,utilities,insurance,furnishings,and any relocation payments.By law,project sponsors must share the operating costs of supportive housing. SHP will pay up to 75%of costs in the first two • years and 50%in the third year. Project sponsors must pay the difference between the amount SHP will pay and • the total operating costs for the project. These are cash costs from any Federal,State,local or private source— not in-kind contributions of goods or services. *** Applicants may request up to 5%of each project award for administrative costs,such as accounting for the use of the grant funds,preparing HUD reports,obtaining audits,and other costs associated with administering the • • grant. Applicants and project sponsors must work together to determine the plan for distributing administrative funds between applicant and project sponsor(if different). If selected for funding,applicants will be required to submit a plan for distributing administrative funds as part of the technical submission. Note: The total SHP request from line 10 should match the dollar amount on the priority chart for the project. • • • Page no: , 15. .100)* - and Urban Development with the Consolidated Plan I certify that the proposed activities/projects in the application are consistent with the jurisdiction's current, approved Consolidated Plan. (Type or clearly print the following information:) Applicant Name: City of Omaha Nebraska • Project Name: Mental Health and Substande Abuse Treatment Location of the Project: Omaha Douglas County • Name of the Federal • Program to which the • applicant is applying: Supportive Housing Program • Name of . -. Certifying Jurisdiction: City of Omaha • Certifying Official of the Jurisdiction • Name: Hal Daub • Tide: Mayo. A / •111 Signature: P4 . Date: July 31 . 1998 • • Project Number NE26B801005 X KI\Dtt 0 • Technical • Submission Exhibit 1: Project Summary r A. Selectee and Project Sponsor Information -Fill in the information requested below. When the selectee is the same organization as the project sponsor,complete only the selectee information. Selectee Name City of Omaha Contact Person Mike Sakler Telephone Number 4G2-444-5170 FAX Number 402-444-6140 Selectee Address 1819 Farnam St. , Ste. 1100 (street, city, State,zip) Omaha NE 68183-0110 Project Sponsor Name Family Service Contact Person Gene Klein • Telephone Number 402-552-7445 • FAX Number 402-5 3-3133 Project Sponsor Address 2101 S. 42 S t. (street,city, State,zip) Omaha NE 68105 B. Project Budget and Milestones - Complete this section only if your project is a new effort or an expansion of an existing project. SELECTEES CONDITIONALLY AWARDED FUNDING FOR RENEWAL PROJECTS SHOULD COMPLETE SECTION C THAT FOLLOWS. 1. Chart 1 - Summary Project Budget To complete Chart 1,Summary Project Budget, enter the amount of SHP funds requested by line-item in the first column. For leasing,supportive services,and operations,the amount entered should be for the SHP grant term selected(1,2,or 3 years). In the second column,enter the total cost for each line-item, _ which is the SHP request plus all other funds needed to pay for each line-item,again,for the grant term. The amounts you enter are for all structures in your project. Each line-item amount in this chart should match the amounts shown in Exhibits 2 through 6,as appropriate. • Requested grant term(1,2,or 3 years): 3 • Chart 1 -Summary Project Budget SHP Total Project Request Budget 1. Acquisition 2. Rehabilitation 3. New Construction 4. Subtotal(lines 1 thru 3)* 5. Real Property Leasing 6. Supportive Services 222,547 248,139 7. Operations 8. SHP Request(subtotal lines 4 thru 7) 222,547 9. Administration(up to 5%of line 8) 11, 127 10.Total SHP Request(total lines 8 and 9) 233,6 74 *The SHP request for these activities cannot be more than 50%of the total acquisition,rehabilitation,and new construction budget. form HUD-404 762(1 Page no: Project Number ' NE26B801005 • Technical Submission Exhibit 4: Supportive Services (con't) (all projects requesting service funds) • A. SHP Request Please complete the chart below for your project's supportive services budget. If you need additional space for more services,you may reproduce this chart and label it Exhibit 4A. In the first column,fill in the supportive service activity to be paid for using SHP funds. For staff positions, please include the job title and quantity(or FTE-full time equivalent);for supportive services,such as transportation services,please include the type(e.g.,bus tokens)and quantity. In the Year 1 column, enter the amount of SHP funds to be used to pay for the service in the first year. If the grant is multi-year,enter the SHP funds to be used for Year 2,and if applicable,Year 3.In the last column,total the amount of SHP funds requested for the full grant term. Please ensure that the total supportive services request for the entire grant term matches that which you entered in your project's Summary Budget in Exhibit 1. Example: Year Year Year Supportive Service Expense 1 2 3 Total Service Activity: Mental Health Counseling $10,000 $10,300 $10,609 $30,909 Quantity: 0.25 t•11: Service Activity: Transportation(Bus Tokens) 12,000 12,360 12,731 37,091 Quantity: 500/mo. @$2.00 ea. Chart 4A: Year Year Year Supportive Service Expense 1 2 •3 - Total Service Activity: Mental Health Counseling Quantity: 2FTE 72,001 74, 161 76,385 222,547 Service Activity: Quantity: Service Activity: Quantity: Service Activity: Quantity: Service Activity: Quantity: Service Activity: Quantity: Total Supportive Services Request 72,001 74, 161 76,385 222,547 form HUD-40076-2(12/98) • Page no: 13 JOB TITLE: THERAPIST II -Homeless Services • CLASSIFICATION III LEVEL C ** Reports to: ASSISTANT CLINICAL SUPERVISOR SUMMARY DESCRIPTION OF WORK Professionals at this level are experienced and able to work with a minimum of supervision. Supervision of interns,students,etc.begins at this level. High production standards are especially required at this level. ACCOUNTABILITIES *1) While working with a caseload of a wide range of difficulty,demonstrates a high degree of clinical skills in diagnosis,formulation and implementation of treatment plan with client's input. *2) Works with clients outside office: home based or in street. *3) Provides Mental Health and Substance Abuse Assessments and Treatment in community based settings—emergency shelters,transitional housing programs,and office. *4) Maintains client clinical record with treatment plan,client progress,and termination summary. 5) May supervise field work practice of students and/or coordinate student placements. 6) Interprets and develops policy through conferences with supervisor,other co-workers and paraprofessional staff. *7) Responsible for special assignments,projects or presentations,including meetings with other agencies. 8) Displays a courteous and caring attitude at all times to the clientele,volunteers,and visitors of the Agency. 9) Cooperates and collaborates with program area staff,volunteers,and other Agency staff. 10) Maintains regular,prompt attendance at the office on a consistent and reliable basis. 11) Abides by all specific program and Agency procedures,policies,and requirements. 12) Develops personal and program related skills through participation in internal and external training opportunities including printed material and audio and/or visual media. 13) Performs other program related duties as assigned. PREFERRED MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS 1. Masters Degree in social work or related field,LMHP 2. Substance Abuse experience,Certification as a Substance Counselor 3. Three years experience ** EMPLOYEES UNDER THIS CLASSIFICATION ARE CONSIDERED "SALARIED EXEMPT" UNDER THE FAIR LABOR STANDARDS ACT AND ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR OVERTIME PAY. 01/99 * DENOTES ESSENTIAL JOB FUNCTIONS 15 ;__ • ■ ■ ■ eaF IFAMILY SERVICE � � • �U . .• •i • ; ti' February 9, 1999 To: US Department of HUD Project Number: NE26B801005 This is to confirm that Family Service of Greater Omaha will provide leveraged funds in the amount of$25,592 over the next three years. These funds are supplementing the operational costs of mental health and substance abuse services being provided to clients in shelter care and transitional living programs. Signature: Title: 1 / rr7 Date: " '` iZ 0 2101 South 42nd Street,Omaha,NE 68105-2909 (402)553-3000 FAX: (402)553-3133 • C-25A CITY OF OMAHA LEGISLATIVE CHAMBER Omaha,Nebr J.une...a 19 99 RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OMAHA: WHEREAS, on April 30, 1998, the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development published in the Federal Register a Notice of Funding Availability for Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance designed to help communities develop Continuum of Care systems to assist homeless persons; and, WHEREAS, the Omaha Area Continuum of Care for the Homeless is comprised of organizations providing shelter and services to homeless individuals and families on an area-wide basis; and, WHEREAS, the City of Omaha undertook an inclusive community process for developing and implementing a Continuum of Care strategy which included participation of the membership of the Omaha Area Continuum of Care for the Homeless; and, WHEREAS,the City of Omaha developed and submitted to the U. S.Department of Housing and Urban Development a consolidated application with the Visiting Nurse Association; Family Service;Legal Aid Society,Inc.; Housing and Neighborhood Developers, Inc.; The Paxton, Inc.; and the Charles Drew Health Center for Continuum of Care-Supportive Housing funding; and, WHEREAS, on January 13, 1999, the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development notified the City of Omaha of the conditional selection of its consolidated application for funding under the Fiscal Year 1998 Supportive Housing Program; and, WHEREAS,the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has awarded Family Service Supportive Housing funds in the amount of$233,674.00, and has assigned the grant number NE26B801005 for the Family Service project; and, WHEREAS,the Family Service will use the Supportive Housing Program funds to provide mental health assessment, substance abuse screenings and treatment of homeless persons; and, By Councilmember Adopted City Clerk 4111 Approved Mayor C • -asA CITY OF OMAHA LEGISLATIVE CHAMBER Omaha,Nebr si1 '?Q $ 1999 PAGE 2 WHEREAS, Supportive Housing assistance for Omaha's Continuum of Care programs will help provide a much needed comprehensive approach to develop and implement housing and service delivery programs to help homeless individuals and families move to permanent living and self-sufficiency to the extent possible. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OMAHA: THAT,the attached Agreement, as recommended by the Mayor,between the City of Omaha and Family Service, a Nebraska Non-Profit Corporation,2101 South 42nd Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68105, for Supportive Housing Funding in the amount of $233,674.00 to be used to provide mental assessment,substance abuse screenings and treatment of homeless persons,is hereby approved. Funds in the amount of $233,674.00 shall be paid from the Continuum of Care Supportive Housing Grant,Fund 190, Organization 8017. APPROVED AS TO FORM: Zil_u_c• Xi/d,--/71—ci>c.) `/—* ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNEY DATE P:\PLN3\7116.MAF By Pa..4 .g7ka Councilmember Adopted JUN 8 1999 �. Q eglir ... .... ..41109,, • Iv City Jerk,,I / Approved. . .� *..j' : b /ram �f a . / /� • CD c CDC pO O . . ¢ o 0 _ O c O co cn ,-Ti o- p� 6. P, .0 ,;d- O., ¢, z Its Po Q. 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