RES 2021-0261 - Keno - 3's Lounge RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OMAHA: WHEREAS, the City of Omaha has entered into a Lottery Operator's Agreement with EHPV Lottery Services, LLC, ("EHPV") to operate a Big Red satellite keno-type lottery within the City of Omaha and areas of Douglas County ("the Lottery Operator's Agreement"); and, WHEREAS, the Lottery Operator's Agreement allows EHPV to receive the City Council's approval of satellite and other keno locations to be operated in accordance with the Lottery Operator's Agreement and Keno Application Procedures and Criteria adopted by this Council; and, WHEREAS, on January 5, 2021, EHPV applied for permission to operate a satellite keno location at 8919 n 30th Street, a business operated by Shawn English, a limited liability corporation, as SME Management LLC, and doing business under the name "3's Lounge." NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OMAHA: THAT, EHPV Lottery Services, LLC, is granted approval to operate a Big Red satellite keno location at the business operated by Shawn English, a limited liability corporation, as SME Management LLC, and doing business under the name "3's Lounge" at 8919 N 30th Street, in Omaha, Nebraska. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: THAT, approval is subject to continued compliance with the law, the Lottery Operator's Agreement, as amended, the keno location criteria, and the terms, conditions and representations in the application for approval of this location. APPROVED AS TO FORM: 0 Vf-6/44 24 8919 tgl.doc AS STANT CITY ATTORNEY DATE elAi;49/41 g2A,telivt, By Councilmember Adopted MAR 09 2 -1 -0 it Clerk g(4...14,-/L914-71/4-t,-7-1-‘_Approved.. May ACTING