2021-01-13 SID 471 NOMFULLENKAMP JOBEUN JOHNSON & BELLER LLP 11440 WEST CENTER ROAD OMAHA, NEBRASKA 68144 NOTICE OF MEETING SANITARY AND IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 471 OF DOUGLAS COUNTY, NEBRASKA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a meeting of the Board of Trustees of Sanitary and Improvement District No. 471 of Douglas County, Nebraska will be held at 5:15 p.m. on January 13, 2021, which meeting will be open to the public via telephonic means (Dial 1-669- 224-3412, Access Code 504-265-069), or in person attendance at 11440 West Center Road, Omaha, Nebraska, pursuant to Executive Order No. 20—36 Corona Virus Public Meetings Requirement Limited Waiver issued by Governor Pete Ricketts on November 25, 2020, which meeting shall otherwise be held in accordance with the Nebraska Open Meetings Act. An agenda for such meeting, kept continuously current is available for public review by calling the attorney’s office (402-334- 0700) and includes the payment of bills of the District. Clerk of the District