RES 2011-0590 - Board of eq plans of assessment May 10, 2011 Members of the City Council: As Chairman of the Board of Equalization, I have the honor to report that the regular session of the Board of Equalization was held May 3, 2011. Its business before the Board was equalization of Plans of Assessment to cover the cost of public improvements as follows: - AMOUNTS PROPOSED AS SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS TO COVER THE COST OF CLEARING SNOW FROM SIDEWALKS IN SIDEWALK DISTRICT NO. SWSR 2010-01 UPON THE LOTS AND PIECES OF REAL ESTATE SPECIALLY BENEFITED BY SAID IMPROVEMENTS, PURSUANT TO SECTIONS 34-331 TO 34-334 OF THE OMAHA MUNICIPAL CODE .$23,306.81. $14,038.39 Said plan was approved with adjustments made at our regular meeting held May 3, 2011. C airman of the Bofd of Equalization Ben Gray / • p p CA 7 7 m $ 2 § m 2 k 2f — ® " o . § m cp B 0 c § • ~ � k < 0 0., o 11 \ CDm H • n 2 \ CDk r ¢ _ § 0' G E. / / c . « iv, ( N 4-334 OF THE OMAHA MUNICIPAL CODE .$23,306.81. $14,038.39 Said plan was approved with adjustments made at our regular meeting held May 3, 2011. C airman of the Bofd of Equalization Ben Gray